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Honesty Should Apply to States Just as Much as to . the Individual Citizens CAN there be two standards A honesty? We have •...
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TO amendment proposed by the Opposition increase the membership of the British Transport Commission from five to nine,...
Satre Completes Its THE first full year's work by First Full Year of A the British Export Trade Work Research Organization...
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Of drivers suffering from snow-glare. That KingCoal is becoming a second-rate monarch. 0 Of a micrometer with sapphire on the...
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1946 PRODUCTION EXCEEDS 1937 PEAK R IT ISH commercial-vehicle produc1 --ition in 1946 exceeded by 28 per cent. the peak output...
ClUEUES of lorries, said to be a mile ,long, waited for loads at Liverpool docks, were mentioned by Mr. W. R. Hargrave. for the...
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IN 1446, British Drug Houses, Ltd., 'carried 80 per cent of its orders in its own fleet of more than 50 vehicles, which are...
of the General Post Office's contract with McNamara and Co., Ltd., was again raised in the House of Commons last week by Mr....
B RITAIN'S exports of cars, commercial vehicles, parts and accessories last year were valued at more than £52,000,000, or three...
A MONGST the equipment recently installed by Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lanes, is a self-contained X-ray centre, for use in...
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S OME interesting facts are given about the transport position in Italy in the recently issued report of the European Central...
in First Week THE first three sittings of the Standing Committee of the House of Commons 1 on the Transport Bill were...
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A N accompanying picture shows a four-horse box recently completed by Carrimore Six-wheelers, Ltd., North Finchley, London, for...
A LTHOUGH during the past 10 years I — IWest Hartlepool Corpomtipn has met capital expenditure out of profits, loans will be...
During the worst day of the recent cold spell, London buses lost only 612 miles out of 660,000. The name of the Cities Service...
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Road Haulage Asso'elation emphasizes the danger to shortlistance road hauliers of the rejection of a proposed amendment to the...
E normal practice in lime-spreading for farmers in the Staffordshire area is for lime to be delivered in paper sacks and...
MR. ALEXANDER ROBE, transport manager of Leith Provident Co-operative Society, has retired after having been in control of the...
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North-Western IVILitiensing Authority, urged the importance of research in road transport at the first dinner and dance of the...
A CCORDING to the annual report f'k of Mr. 0. G. Wynn, chairman of the Heavy Haulage Group of the Road Haulage Association, the...
Q BJ ECTOR S to applications for additional haulage vehicles are often asked whether they themselves propose to seek extra...
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in more senses than one By Our Legal Adviser S TANDING Committee B of the House of Commons met for the first time to consider...
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In an I. of T. Paper. Mr. Sewell Considers the Question of Reforming Both Road and Rail Rates D AIL and road opinions on the...
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concluding instalment of the " article on Eire's transport system, by Mr. A. F. Taylor, in your issue dated January 24, some of...
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Serve a Scattered Community WHEREVER you may go in the VV Evesham district of Worcestershire, you will probably find one of...
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Industry O NE of the virtues of road transport was that it was organized in units small enough to enable the trader to get...
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be brought to the notice of the layman, his first reaction probably is to question why there should be any difference of...
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UNLICENSED BUS USED: 'OPERATOR FINED £31 A T Bedlington Police Court, North umberland, Arras Haley, an operator, of...
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r- I N March 4, at 6 Mr. E. B. 4 ../Wilson will read a paper, "Review of Developments in Driving Axles," before _members of...
THAT a licence was granted to an I ex-Serviceman o n sentimental grounds was the case for the appellants at a hearing before...
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in Suspension Systems By J. PICKLES, The Function of Shock Absorbers in the A.M.I.A.E. Control of Leaf-spring Action is Here...
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Higher Wages Brought About by the Reduction of the Working Week from 48 Hours to 44 Hours Will Increase Operating Costs by an...
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A CCORDING to patent No. 582,351, agricultural tractors fall into two classes—the full-size heavy machine and the ultra-light...