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I S not the time ripe for commercial-motor manufacturers to make a stand against the demands of municipalities that they should...
I N this issue we devote some l0 pages to a completely revised series of The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs, which...
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A MONG the many clauses of the Road Traffic Act which are restrictive, there are some which do give an opportunity to designers...
H E 'Automobile .1 Association h a s prepared a useful summary of the various motoring offences revealed by Home Office...
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That the Cub-ic capacity of Leylands is large. That farmers are spending money on tractors. That we shall soon have exhausted...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The watch committee of ROTHERHAM Corporation is to buy a motor pump. PLYAMITIII Corporation is to purchase a•vehicle for the...
LINES It is proposed to construct a bus station in Ripon. Cheltenham Corporation is to take • steps to prevent steam-wagon...
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Road Tested A High-powered Chassis, Capable of Useful Average Speeds and Pleasing Performance on Hills, which is Nevertheless...
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in PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent The London Passenger Transport Bill. B Elf ORE the Joint Committee...
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A New International Model with Simple, AllMetal Tracks TN our report of the exhibits at the ...Royal Show we referred briefly...
A Well-known French Concern Produces a Handy New Municipal Appliance A N interesting and useful little machine has just been...
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An Improved RSC Type With a Curved Broom, and a New Machine Embody ing the Colt Chassis A MONGST the several exhibits of...
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This Week Our Bodybuilding Expert Deals with the Construction of the Bottom Framework of the Coach and Bus W HEN a chassis has...
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11 VERY new edition of these Tables involves two points in the _LA way of introduction: (a) an explanation of the bases of the...
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for motorbuses B Y reason of his practical experience as a bus driver, One of our readers has evolved an interesting form of...
ROVISIONAL patent rights have been obtained by Mr. J. A. Harrop, 42, Woodcock Street, Sandal, Wakefield, and by Mr. M. W....
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL Moron. [34581 Sir,-1 cannot find that any British-made tractor is being used in India, whereas...
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of Passenger Transport Latest News from the Various Traffic Areas T EE following are the times and places announced by Area...
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The forthcoming sittings of the Traffic Commissioners for the South Wales Traffic Area should, according to Gazette No . . 13,...
Useful Work at a Meeting of the General Management Committee of the M.H.C.S.A. rillik. limitation of services under the Road...
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The Chairman Gives Bus Operators a Clear Understanding of Their Position W HEN the Traffic Commissioners for the East Midland...
The Annual Report Indicates a " Live " Organization T HE annual general meeting of the Booking Agents Association of Great...
. Brief News of the Activities • in Various Parts of the Country xxTE are satisfied that there is a • V V - real public need...
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Opposition Likely by 12 Local Authorities in Northumberland TERN opposition is now certain tsDfrom local public authorities in...
O WING to the fact that all cotton cord used in Dunlop pneumatid tyres is produced at mills controlled by the company, in...
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HAULIER and CARRIER A Special Difficulty in the Way of Quoting Accurate Averages for the Operating Costs of , Tractors and...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications TEHICLDS which will run on both V road and rail appear to be attracting...