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THE need for cooling the cylinder heads and walls of an internal-combustion engine persists and must do so until pistons,...
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"More road work, fewer Unemployed." That it is better to go slow and save woe. That back-firing is the equivalent of...
" Waal, stranger, and what d'you think of lil ol' NO0 York?" . "To tell the truth, I. haven't had time to see it; I've been...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all digiciaties of transPart at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Bolton Corporation has decided to purchase a new Fordsoa tractor for use at Rhodes Farm. The tramways committee of the...
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Some of the Exhibits at the Show of the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society. The Bus Persecution at Belfast. By Ulsterman. H...
The New Scale for Agricultural Vehicles. The Year's Revenue from Road Taxes. Preservation of Trees in Road Improvements. By...
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Within 20 Years Risks Have Increased by 20 per cent., but with Motor Pumps Maintenance Costs are Only One-third Those of...
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Particulars of the Latest Products of the Renault Co. which are Now Available in this Country. TIT5RING a visit which we paid...
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The Star Flyer Chassis Now Equipped with Spiral bevel Drive. W HEN, in August, 1926, we first examined the Star low-level...
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Stearn Cooling as a Means for Enal Slowly when Stationary. Its Ft Develop ties to Warm Rapidly and to Cool ;sibilities and...
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.ti A S a result of many experiments with the rigid-frame six-wheeler, it has been proved beyond a doubt that this type of...
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The Latest Addition to the Comprehensive Range of Fire-fighting Equipment Manufactured by Merryweather and Sons, Ltd. O icE of...
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Details of a Luxurious Eccles Body Mounted on a Leyland Lioness Chassis. Opportunities for the Hiring Out of Such Vehicles. TN...
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Modern Ideas in Repair Work and in the Provision of Effective Garage Equipment for Simplifying and Speeding up the Renewal of...
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An Interesting Type of Machine Employed by the Rangoon Municipality. T UST as the motor vehicle and the power-propelled...
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Improvements in a Well-known Type of Window Lift. L ESS. than a year ago we described in detail an interesting and practicable...
D URING our visit to the Berlin Motor Show of last year we came across several interesting examples of a combined type of...
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Continuing the Story of the Man Who Was Carrying Meat From the Wholesaler to the Retailer. TIOLLOWING a promise recently made,...
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The Plans so far Outlined for the World Motor Transport Congress, to be Held in London in November. I T is claimed for the...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. AN IMPORTANT CONFERENCE ON BUS LICENSING. West Riding County...
Starting Last August with Two Vehicles Express Motors, Ltd., of Darlington and West Hartlepool, Now Runs 26 Saloon Buses. T...
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A New Policy Favouring the Extension of Bus Services. I N - welcome contrast to a former doubtful policy, under which the...
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Clamping a Daimler Fan Pulley. Gauge-glass Replacement. Removing Maudslay Exhaust-valve Boxes. Compressing a Foden Front...
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Useful Contributions From Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Improving Fan Blades and the Commer Car Clutch. QOME useful...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. S IR Herbert Austin, K.B.E., in his specification No. 270,427, describes...