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In Public Service. Bedfords have quite a reputation in public service. Authorities everywhere appreciate the special Bedford...
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It is because we have tremendous experience of trucks operating in all types of conditions in every conceivable industry. So we...
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THE TRANSPORT and General Workers Union was meeting in Liverpool yesterday to consider proposals made by Heaton's Transport (St...
policy decision IF PLANS for the improvement of waterways in Yorkshire materialize, 950,000 tons of traffic is likely to...
DISRUPTION of roads and passenger road services was avoided in Scotland last week when the production workers at the BP...
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"What the TUC does riot seem to have considered, says the RHA, "is that the 'efficiency, flexibility and door to door...
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Crucial OPEC meeting will decide future fuel prices — but crude oil prices will continue to explode AS recorded briefly in CM...
The main reason for the formation of the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport was the need for the bus and coach...
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MORE protests against the Mersey tunnel ban proposals on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) were made last week — this time from the...
A WAGE increase of £2.25 a week, subsistence to be increased from £1.75 to £3 a night and unsocial hours payments stepped up...
THE FINAL stages have been reached in International Harvester Canada's bid for Seddon Diesel Vehicles Ltd. Morgan Grenfell,...
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AN OPERATOR who pleaded not guilty to a charge brought by the Warwick Constabulary under the Motor Vehicles (Construction and...
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PROBLEMS with Leyland Nationals flared up in two areas this week. Eastern National had its second vehicle fire involving an LN...
NATIONAL TRAVEL'S first scheduled service has got off to a good start. The first run, which left London a fortnight ago, used a...
OF the 168 drivers who have qualified for the LDoY finals on September 8, 25 per cent are from the oil companies. Esso has 21...
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DESPITE opposition from the Taxi Owners' Association, a new bus link between Manchester's Victoria and Piccadilly railway...
A NEW coach service scheduled to link Manchester and Oldham to Boulogne, Amiens, and Paris in 12hr 27min has been started by...
A SECOND battery-electric bus is under development for use in the fleet of the Greater Manchester PTE. It is being designed by...
IN AN effort to solve the increasingly difficult problems of commuter travel into urban areas, Vehicle Systems Development...
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LEAKAGE of styrene from a tanker belonging to Wincanton Transport of Wincanton on to a car park led to the company and one of...
A LONG-distance lorry driver was so worried because his wife was aboui to have their first baby thai he "simply pressed on"...
THE DRIVER of a French heavy vehicle was ordered to leave a deposit of £200 last week with Winchester magistrates court before...
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WATER added by fishermen to facilitate the conveyor-belt loading of sprats from fishing boats to lorries at Buckie, got a...
IN Commercial Motor for April 5 1974, due to a misunderstanding in preparing a report of licensing proceedings in Glasgow for...
BULK milk haulier Mr J. A. Mason, of Salop, was given an ultimatum by the West Midland LA, Mr A. A. Crabtree, on Monday at a...
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PRODUCTION of the French SITA refuse body will begin at Derby Commercials Ltd, Derby Road, Clay Cross, Derbyshire, within about...
AN alternative engine option is now being made available for British Leyland's Redline Boxer 14.25-ton truck. The Leyland 6-98...
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A TAIL lift of 508 kg (10 cwt) capacity which fits on the inside of a van door has been specially designed for HOC Transhield...
A DUEL-PURPOSE tachograph has been produced by Lucas Kienzle Instruments Ltd and approved for use as an EEC instrument. The...
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Head-up displays and station keeping indicators are among several devices being tried out at TR R L in an effort to reduce the...
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Jerry Rodwell AL-MODE passenger vehicles, able rogress automatically or by normal er control, are reaching the final es of...
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by Les Oldridge, T Eng (CE1), MIMI, 1MIRTE IN recent years the recovery of disabled vehicles has become something of a...
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One-day Glasgow symposium organized by the Design Council Reported by Martin Hayes AT FIRST sight the implementation of...
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refuse collector by Trevor Longcroft, pictures by Dick Ross Road test and operational trial 10/74 WHEN the Hestair Group...
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appliances at Scarborough A NUMBER of engineers concerned with the purchase and operation of vehicles used on public services...
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Hand on heart, I really swear that I do try hard not to knock dear old British Rail but they do make it very difficult...
Mr Kvetoslav Schonwalder is a Czechoslovakian coach driver, not much over 5 ft tall and weighing in at about 10 stones. But...
Ailsa Trucks' hq at Barrhead was thrown into some confusion the other day with the surprise arrival by helicopter of Sir Hugh...
When I was talking the other day to a TGWU official a new phrase, "member location," came into the conversation. Do you know...
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By Anthony O'Toole IN coach operators have watched with some concern the nibbling of local authorities at the private hire...
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AFTER an interval when the subject seemed almost forgotten, the plans put forward by the Labour Party once again regularly...
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ly Graham Montgomerie, pictures by Dick Ross THE Pinzgauer 712M 6 x 6 has now Yecome available in this country, aimed...
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-where efficient transport is no pipedream By Gordon Murray When transport is spread over a wide area the transfer of the...
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iTATISTICS already available in ilmost every passenger transport underaking could be better used to reveal mprovements or...
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A CLOSE LOOK at the complex problems of rural transport was provided by the second paper at the PRTA Conference which was given...
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THE threat of further savage increases in fuel prices — as envisaged in a story on page 15 of this issue — gives even more...
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A The following is a list of current prices for diesel fuel per gallon on the Continent: Austria 56p, Belgium 41p, Bulgaria...
calhdating the unladen weight of a vehicle? Do swop bodies have to be included? A Section 194 of the Road Traffic Act 1972...
recovery vehicles and vehicles towing others, and the use of amber flashing lamps when not in the vicinity of an accident or...
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Ihe Insolarm high security alarm ;ystem from Instelec is said to be tpplicable to all vehicles, and ncludes protection against...
Hazard warning lights usually have one limitation — they flash at different rates, or stop altogether, when trailer bulbs are...
A new range of grease guns for both the professional mechanic and DIY man has been produced by Hilka. The four guns cover a...
A new catalogue of service tools for Ford vans and cars has been produced by Churchill. And it's free to all CM readers....
A gas conditioner with integral spark arrester for use with most types of diesel powered vehicles is being made by the Hunslet...
A new company, Ramp Rentals Ltd, has been formed to rent out container loading and unloading ramps. Using these ramps, an...
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I would like to make a few observations concerning John Wells's remarks at the RHA annual dinner, quoted in Bird's-eye View (CM...