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big reorganisation followed by an aggressive marketing drive by Edmunds Walker, the motor factor, will be unlikely to change...
• Volvo's low-line FLI.0 is a very differentlooking vehicle from the older F1.0, but it has an almost identical mechanical...
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• The fall in demand for Leyland's own engines has taken its toll of 314 jobs at two of its plants in Lancashire. At the...
• Heronfreight, the distribu non division of Heron Corporation, has won a contract to distribute and store British Alcan...
• A list of advice to protect livestock hauliers from animal welfare extremists has been drawn up by the Road Haulage...
• The Government has cleared the first major hurdles in its battle to get through the legislation to build the Channel Tunnel....
• The Road Haulage Association has been blown off the political fence over 40 tonne lorries, thanks to an internal document...
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• Registrations of over 700 British-built microvans last month helped keep one sector of the UK commercial vehicle market...
• United Transport — the UK and European arm of BET-owned United Transport International — is selling its two West German and...
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• A consultation document, detailing the Department of Transport's proposals for the removal of the need for some international...
• The introduction of roadside checks of hazardous substances lorries by the Health and Safety Executive is expected later this...
• Light vans towing trailers and caravans will soon be permitted to drive faster, Junior Transport Minister Peter Bottomley has...
• Edmunds Walker, the making motor factor whicl part bought for £1.5 millic from the AE group 18 mo ago, is making a determin...
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tailable nationwide because we know our places. nowing our places means there's a Scania Centre ose to your area of operation....
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• Only days after the spectacular official launch of the MAN F90 truck range, the new vehicles this week make their home town...
• Transterrain, the Cambridge-based importer of Portuguese UMM light 4x4 has extended its range with new, more powerful Alter...
• MAN's association with Volkswagen will continue beyond the present arrangement, due to end in 1987, but there will be a...
• Further changes in design approval arrangements for petroleum spirit tankers have been announced by the Health and Safety...
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• Tadchurch has developed a new rubber rear suspension specifically for Dennis narrow chassis refuse vehicles. The special...
• King Trailers of Market Harborough, Leicestershire has built one of the largest road-going low-loaders in use in the UK for...
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• Bury-based Xercon Industries has lost its international operator's licence following its conviction for using forged...
• A Lancashire owner driver, fined £5,200 for falsifying tachograph records, exceeding hours limits and for excise licence...
a A partnership's new licence bid, opposed by thc Road Haulage Association, withdrawn before West Mi land Licensing Authority...
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cottish Licensing ority Hugh McNamara is it the area around Braid1urseries' operating . e to judge the environal impact of the...
.'he Wade Spring and Astery Company's ator's licence has been wed by Eastern Deputy ising Authority Cordelia k but she has told...
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• Two new driver service areas just off England's motorways open this month. Tebay (M6) Junction 38 opened on Wednesday and...
• Plans to build a .E1.9 m lorry park in Lanarkshire still being resisted. William Hill, managing d tor of Hydraload, of Bell...
• International Road Transport Union Road Safety Year stickers are now available from the Road Haulage Association. Supplies...
• Complaints that foreign lorry drivers are being treated like criminals for minor traffic offences in Britain have been made...
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• More than one million bottles a month of Perrier Water are now being hauled by Railfreight and distributed by road from...
II Onward Transport, formerly Ackworth Transport of Ponteft West Yorkshire, has bought its first two Seddon Atkinsons. TI are...
. 1 Monday, June 23, is the starting date for the Econocruise Economy Drive '86. A five-day non-stop journey around Britain to...
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• The rail-only Channel Tunnel will be an "unmitigated disaster" for road transport, leading British coach operator Ron Whittle...
• The IRU has awarded its Grand Prix d'Honneur West German driver Hermann Bolte for his braver on September 4 last year, when...
• Increased investment in transport infrastructure and a new approach to road safety were called for by delegates at the IRU...
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• Clwyd County Council has failed to block Crosville Motor Services' plans to make its Chester to Caernarfon limited stop...
▪ Despite the Govern ment's refusal to fund the proposed Leeds and Bradford trolleybus scheme, th( West Yorkshire Passenger...
• Two Scottish Bus Group companies have failed to stop stage carriage variations by Strathclyde PTE on the grounds that the PTE...
for Gray Line Tours of San Francisco was shown at Leyland's recent 90th anniversary celebrations. The 12m long, 82-seat coaches...
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• Lowfield Distribution, part of the Foods Division of the Imperial Group, has appointed Gwynne Jenkins as operations manager...
• Lex Wilkinson's computer controlled parcel sorting centre — The Hub — has a new manager. He is Frank Johnson. Johnson joined...
• Marley Vehicle Leasing i gearing up for a 20% increa: in business this year with th appointment of Jim Brentui as southern...
• Simon Newman, managing director of Armchair Passenger Transport, of Brentford, Middlesex, is the new chairman of the Bus and...
• Several key appointments have been made by Daf Trucks (GB) at its Marlow headquarters. Among them is Robert McLeod, who has...
• Guy Caunegre, director of communications of Renault Truck Industries, based in the UK, has retired. Caunegre has been with...
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SIR TYRE COST D EFLATION • Concerning Bob Greenwood's article "Tyre Cost Deflation" in the Commercial Motor Workshop...
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DIESEL PREFERRED • Vehicle leaser Trimoco is close to achieving its objective of standardising on diesel power for its entire...
SPEEDY SHEETING • Machining and fabrication engineer T S Coleman of Burton upon Trent, Staffs, is marketing a novel device for...
INTEGRATED IMECHE • "Integrated Engine Transmission Systems" is the impressive title of an Institution of Mechanical...
DRIVERS' HOURS UPDATES • To prepare hauliers for the changes in driver's hou rules which come into effec from September 29,...
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IIERAL STEPS BACK The no-claim bonus !me is an integral part of motor insurance scene. for commercial vehicles it ly during...
ASDADRIVE IN After the shopping — the van. Austin Rover has appointed the Poplar, East London, Asda Superstore as its latest...
TWO MORE M42 SECTIONS • Eleven more kilometres even miles) of the new M42 motorway south of Birmingham are now open to traffic....
/I The following roadworks are likely to cause delays to operators and drivers, and should be borne in mind when route...
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When MAN thought about replacing its HT range of trucks, its engineers went back to first principles. Tim Blakemore details the...
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Britain's motorway service areas may never close, but the levels of service they offer HGV drivers vary enormously. Karen Miles...
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EEN,YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL AN YOU'RE MINE? Any red-blooded owner of the new sweet sixteen from Seddon Atkinson should have a song...
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• Early in the 1970s, the pundits were predicting a massive rationalisation of the truck manufacturing industry in Europe...
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Noel Millier assesses three minibuses, all based on wide-bodied 300-series Freight Rover Sherpas, but each very different from...
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mobile structure, Dormobile rivets its panels to the frame which does not provide such a good flat area for liveries or...
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• While a Master of Ceremony can still get away with "Ladies and Gentlemen. . . and they still segregate the sexes, to indicate...
as a mover of historical aircraft — as evidenced by our photograph of its latest movement (probably the last, it reckons) of an...
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Bedford's Techliner pack enhances the visual appeal of its 28-tonne tractive unit, but does its claimed aerodynamic advantages...