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O NE of the most forceful
The Government Must Not disadvantages of much Ask -For Sacrifices Unless It of the policy of the present Is Prepared To...
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1-1 Alluded to as Prince " gentlemen of the road" was told recently in the 1-1 A Lorry Driver A LITTLE story of the...
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That we even have the guillotine now! That nationalization will lead road transport a dance. That it might well be that of...
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" B.T.C. WILL LOSE MONEY" A LOSS on the operations of the British Transport Commission was forecast by Major H. E. Crawford,...
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the Transport Bill proceeded at high pressure last week, in accordance with the accelerated time-table. A fair part of the time...
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It is reported that Norway needs 3,500 vehicles this year, and hopes to buy most of them from Britain. The new Goodyear...
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MR. K. A. P. DALBY, F.C.A., has been appointed a director of Douglas (Kingswood), Ltd. MR. JOHN B. PERRETT, A.M.I.A.E.,...
INCREASING use of tractor-mounted 1 implements in agriculture was noted by Mr. C. Culpin, agricultural manager of Morris...
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I 24 its issue for March 4, the "Daily Mirror" made a strange statement to the effect that the transport industry, which was in...
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Steering Gear A HIGHLY ingenious system of tractor steering, originally designed for track-laying vehicles, but which can be...
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Y ou Charge You Heat O PERATORS will appreciate the benefits which result when, in cold weather, engines ran be easily...
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By Sir. Graham Cunningham, K.B.E. T HE time for arguing the pros and cons of the nationalization of transport, for other than...
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V JEHICLES which come below the 5-6-ton payload V category are invariably fitted by their makers with petrol engines, but there...
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aiming to build a huge new housing estate or satellite town. That cross is marked on maps in the offices of many industrial...
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11 OCHDALE CORPORAL'S'. TION has recently put into service a Leyland double-decker with sliding doors operated by compressed...
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R EGARDED frorn the point of view of the commercial-vehicle user, developments in car design fall into two main classes—those...
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Iding in the NEW AUSTIN , 25-cwt. VAN P RELIMINARY details of a prototype Austin 25-cwt. van, together with an exclusive...
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COR some years the Northern Ireland Road Transport Board has built its own bodies for goods and passenger vehicles. The...
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I INTEND to go farther with the discussion of sand and 1 ballast rates than I did in the article of mine which appeared in the...
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SAFE DRIVING often asserted that immediately a man gets hold of a steering wheel he ceases to be a gentleman. I am inclined...
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A CCORDING to information received from a correspondent in Australia, the tram versus bus controversy still rages in that...
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• ( 1 947) 1 By Our Legal Adviser A S a preliminary, this week, let us look into the guillotine question.. This procedure was...
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A _DEMONSTRATION of the Stacar true fork lift truck was recently given at - London Airport, Heathrow, as the result of the...
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1U4ORE mileage can be obtained from AVItyres by fitting new covers in the autumn or, winter, instead of in the spring or...
R EFUSAL of the Assembly to vote the necessary funds in the railway budget for the current fiscal year has required the...
the Hypoid A PAPER entitled "Review of Developments in Driving Axles," a precis of which was given in our issue dated February...
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S OME time ago Mr. Maurice Webb, M.P , said, in a broadcast discussion with Mr. R. W. Sewill, that it would be dgficult to...
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to Six Wheels A Raumi of Recently Published Patent Specifications T 0 convert a two-wheeled axle to one having four driving...
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With your permission, as both the 1945 and 1946 accounts are published together, I will deal with the earlier year first and...