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The Prime - Minister has made his Budget speech, and there is to be no fresh taxation upon. motor vehicles. 1Ve are somewhat...
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By Samuel J. Sewell (Secretary oi the Hire Traders' Protection Association). It is common knowledge that a large number of...
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During a visit to Lincoln last week, a member of the Editorial staff of "Toe COMMERCIAL MOTOR " had an opportunity of examining...
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A correspondent (page 286) draws attention to. the dangerous practice of tramcar drivers, in rushing " dead " points at...
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A Visit to a Busy Sales Department : How the Works are Kept Going. The way of the commercial motor salesman is not an easy...
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Preparing for the Summer. I note that the Fiissener Privet-Auto. mobil Gesellschaft (Allgua, Bavaria) has increased its motor...
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This journal has an exclusive, genuine and maintained circulation: members of its Editorial stall have practical experience and...
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Metropolitan companies which are concerned in the manufacture of motor omnibuses, motor lorries, and other large industrial...
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Manufacturers of lorries, buses, and vans will do well to note a new departure in the " sundry advertise ments " page this...
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'Cars which do not Stop. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—I have read, with mixed feelings, the advertisement of...
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'Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....
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A Small Steam Tractor which Assists Underpowered Horses on Steep Hills around the Crystal Palace. A letter which appeared in...
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By an Engineer who Objects to Bonnets—Mr. H. H. Carter, A.M.I.Mech.E. The majority of designers and users of commercial...
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ROAD TRAINS.—Burnside and Another.—No. 14,243, dated 20th June, 1907. —This invention has for its object to pro vide means for...