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A NEW stumbling block has arisen in the path leading towards economic rates for haulage — the ancillary user. He is becoming a...
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IN connection with the recent analysis of road !accidents issued by the Minister af Transport, the British Road Federation has...
T HE problem of the return load is one of tho most difficult facing the haulage industry. Where a vehicle has to make a long...
Austral ia Should A USTRALIA should cer Buy More Goods tainly be one of our best Here customers for commercial ve hicles and...
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Of a driver being fined for travelling at 31.5 m.p.h. in a restricted area on a light vehicle. That the traffic experts should...
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RECIPIENTS OF CORONATION HONOURS. Amongst the recipients of honours on the occasion of the Coronation of Their Majesties are...
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In the course of his speech at the recent annual general meeting of Scammull Lorries, Ltd., Sir George Macdonogh said, in...
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The position of C-licence holders was referred to by the president of London Wholesale Distributing Confectioners Association...
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Several complaints have recently' been made of high-handed action by Licensing Authorities' examiners in connection with...
at an Edinburgh sitting of the Southern Scotland Licensing Authority, when two applicants appealed to the Authority to decide a...
transfer of A licences was alleged at Clerkenwell Police Court, last Friday. R. R.. Waltes, a clerk, of Victoria Road, Wood...
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Before the Appeal Tribunal, at York, last week, Mr. Charles Brown, trading as B. Brown and Son, of 25, High Street,...
QENTENCE of six months' imprisona-Yment was passed at Leeds Assizes last week on Joseph Keeling, garage proprietor, of Viaduct...
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for commercial vehicles I N the development of brakes, price competition, the demands of weight reduction and the employment...
W ITH the object of carrying out research work in connection with oilengined vehicles in the Commonwealth, the Australian Shell...
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niLES "FALL DOWN" () NE of the features about the schedule of rates I which was published last week, having been submitted to...
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Proves Its Capabilities A S WAS announced recently in this journal, the Indiana goods chassis is being imported and assembled...
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Tottenham Municipal Authorities Testify to the Efficient Working of A.E.C. Monarch Refuse Collectors Equipped with "Ideal"...
Improvements T HERE is li ttle doubt that some of the success achieved by the range of oil engines made by F. Perkins, Ltd.,...
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cONTEMPORANEOUSLY with the many developments in materials there has, during the past year, occurred a similar development in...
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R OAD transport is playing a vital part in the construc tion of a large reservoir to serve south Essex. With the demand for...
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[5042] I am gratified that my few notes have provoked the extensive study conducted with such skill and resource by Mr. T. W....
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L IMITED scope for the use of cattle LA and sheep-carrying vehicles in many agricultural areas appears to have resulted in...
E MY running and silence are the leading characteristics of the silent gliding door which has recently been marketed by Silent...
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• Passenger Transport INQUIRY FAVOURS NEW INVESTIGATION S IIORTLY after the conclusion of the hearing of evidence by the...
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A PPEALS by 13 operators against the Metropolitan Traffic Corrunissioner's refusal to allow express and excursion and tour...
Last week, Mr. Gerald Thcsiger, instructed by Amphlett and Co., presented the appeals against this refusal. He held that the...
A "provincial bus strikes were settled by this week. Workers employed by United Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., City of Oxford...
Piling up Losses DAMS, as well as London and other I British centres, has its labour and financial troubles as regards bus...
B RICHTON Town Council will, it is reported, shortly consider a scheme for the joint operation of buses and trams in...
of Leyland and Crossley makes, with Metropolitan-Vickers electrical equipment and M.C.W. metalframed bodies. Leyland Motors,...
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QTOKE ON TRENT Corporation, ii prime mover in the unsuccessful attempt to form a transport hoard in North Staffordshire, was,...
A BSENCE of a vendor of a coach business caused trouble at a sitting of the North Western Traffic Commissioners, at Manchester,...
Ingenious New Device for Controlled Load Superimposition With Novel Arrangement of Casto ring Front Trailer Wheels V ARIATION...
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A N important feature in almost any type of body is its transverse strength and rigidity. With a wide body, the cross-bearers,...
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Are Doing TWO KINDS OF "CLOSED RING." S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, addressed a meeting 9f Wolverhampton and...
D =FITS which have accrued from the stabilization of rates for furniture removals in the city of Leeds, under a scheme...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published M OST oil engines have a pressure fuel feed to the...