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0-licence pilot scheme WILL the Road Haulage Association give the go-ahead for a nationwide scheme of objecting to operators'...
LONDON Transport employees who are injured by hooligans will get immediate cash compensation from January 1. A deal negotiated...
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on eight-hour day IN an obvious reference to continued trade union opposition to tachographs, Dr John Gilbert said this week...
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GLC follow-up to routed lorry scheme 5y CM reporter MAJOR restrictions of the free movement and operation of lorries in London...
MANY of the employees of the stricken Birmingham Containerbase are now "frightened men," according to general manager Mr Eric...
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by CM reporter ROAD haulage operating costs rose by an average of 10 per cent in the first nine months of this year, according...
LEEDS and District Haulage Federation has agreed a pay deal with the Transport and General Workers Union—the first settlement...
Although the Road Haulage Association has had only limited success in its pilot scheme for objecting to operators' licence...
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BRITISH RAIL must end its losses on freight services—now running at £70m a year—by 1978. That was the firm instruction issued...
TALK of dictatorship from Brussels was rubbish, Bob Beckham, president of the Freight Transport Association, said in Glasgow on...
A Leyland Clydesdale is one of four tankers just supplied by the reorganised Nightingale Engineering Co Ltd, of London SWI2, on...
or GDR DEALS allowing British hauliers to enter both East Germany and Switzerland have been negotiated by the DoE, it was...
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THE QUESTION whether a haulier should be held responsible for an insecure load when it had been loaded by the customer in...
A SIMPLE vehicle costing system, using a small computer, which enables an operator to compare vehicle costs and revenue for...
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A DANISH HAULIER was fined £6,000 at Norwich Crown Court last week in the first " cabotage " case to be heard in this country....
A Elm truck servicing and distribution 'centre for MercedesBenz vehicles Is to be built at Coatbridge in mid-Scotland by Tate...
THE Aberdeenshire firm of W. & R. Murray at Alford has closed down the road haulage side of its business and is selling its...
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AS FORECAST in CM October 24, the young driver training scheme will commence later this month ending many years of waiting by...
information on health, safety and welfare at work are contained in a consultative document issued by the Health and Safety...
A NEW company, Compressed Tread Systems Ltd, of Alton, Hampshire, has been formed to exploit the Kenprest system of compressed...
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SIX DAYS before a coach crashed at Dibbles Bridge in the Yorkshire Dales, killing 32 people, a driver who had taken the vehicle...
'THREE modified Leyland National buses with a new look In front passenger loading have been delivered to British Airways for...
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by Martin Watkins DRIVING a vehicle worth £42,000 could be a nervewracking experience. But the effortless acceleration,...
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A 25-SEAT body on the Ford A-Series produced by Eurobus Ltd, the Eire bodybuilder, made its debut at the Scottish Motor Show...
Pegwell Bay coach service hearing adjourned again THE BATTLE over who should provide coach services from London to the Pegwell...
BRIGHTON coach company manager Mathew Varty, of Taylor Coaches, saved lives by his skilful handling of his coach after it had...
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DECALERT—Decca Automatic Location Equipment for Road Transport—an electronic system of vehicle location, was demonstrated at...
drive by Primrose A PROGRAMME of all-wheeldrive rebuilds to cater for operators wanting vehicles with both good carrying...
BULK SALES of petroleum products will be made in metric measure from January 1 if the petroleum industry achieves its target....
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AUTOMATIC body-mounting from ground on to vehicle chassis without the need for the driver to leave his cab is the big advantage...
A HIGH cubic capacity integral van body is being offered by Hawson Gamer Ltd, Windmill Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, for...
IN their leaflet "Nightingale Automobility " enclosed in this issue the Nightingale Engineering Co Ltd, of Balham, SW12,...
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The enormous change in the law governing the dismissal of employees is insufficiently understood by transport operators. If an...
THE BBC programme last week about the carriage of dangerous substances seemed at times about to modulate into the 'theme of the...
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SUCH are the pressures on profits these days that every vehicle operator must have an accurate knowledge of his costs,...
Prevel;:ilie maintenance is reguf ded as the key to rneetinp the legal requirerrlents under operators` licensin 1. There am...
often to repair vehicles as they break down, even though a lot of time and money may have to be spent to get them through the...
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by Johnny Johnson APART from Customs clearance, transport, like music, knows no frontiers and wherever transport men gather...
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by Graham Montgomerie VISITORS to Kelvin Hall for the 50th Scottish Motor Show could be forgiven for thinking that the...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CE!) , MIMI, AMIRTE HEAVY motor cars and motor cars are required by the Motor Vehicle (Construction and...
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Aluminium offers a brighter outlook TO GIVE Scottish operators increased vehicle efficiency, bodybuilders are turning to...
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Re-styled midi and 1-type dual-purpose coach THE TWO NEW designs are among the eight psv at the Show, both exhibited by Walter...
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British Leyland's Europa Service Guide dropped on my desk last week and at first sight it .appeared to be the most useful book...
My principal reason for contacting BL's Aberdeen outlets was to trace the owner of a new Bison-based tipper which I spotted 60...
Viscount Lowther, the 27-yearold son of the Earl of Lonstiale, takes his pleasure in a strange way. A former odd-job man and...
lit hasn't been claimed, that thing which fell off a lorry in Cleveland Way, Doncaster, last month (CM, October 31). It hasn't...
Visitors to the Scottish Show should have developed good leg muscles over the past week. The main show in Kelvin Hall is...
Anyone who has visited Scotland — or more particularly the Aberdeen area — in the past year or so will have noticed how the...
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TWO new power take-off units for mounting to the rear layshafts of Ford and Turner gearboxes have been added to the range made...
This unique tyre spreader shown for the first time in Britain is available with or without lifting frame and combines the...
Hydrositeer reconditioned power steering units are now available from Jonas Woodhead Ltd, of Manchester, at 50 per cent off the...
On show for the first time is this Ahco-Gigant 1038 tyre changer that can handle tyres from 10in industrial models through to...
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MAN 8-wheeler THE four-axled MAN which was first introduced at Earls Court last year shares a great many components with the...
THE chassis-cab version of the Volkswagen LT31 integral van is the first model from the LT light truck range to be available in...
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INTRODUCED just before the Scottish Show, the Seddon Atkinson 200 range of twoaxle tippers and haulage models is designed for...
THE ABSENCE of a luxury 28-seat coach on the UK market has led Magirus Deutz, which sells a left-hand-drive chassis over here...
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BIG SAVINGS in transport costs are being claimed for a newly opened refuse transfer station at Slyfield, Guildford, as a joint...
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in the event of a driver falling sick. All will have travelled the various routes many times in the six years that we have been...
I refer to Tony Chaston's write-up on Ford Service in Europe, (" What happens if you break a half-shaft in Frankfurt ?" CM...
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by John Darker, AMBIM VIRTUALLY every 'road transport business aims to be profitable since it is from profits alone that a...
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a demountable body which is over 3 tons unladen with the body in position but under 3 tons unladen without the body? My manager...
unladen but more than 7.5 tonnes gross. When the EEC driving licence regulations come into force on January 1, can I make a...
longest being 18 or 20ft. Thus the vehicle is on the road with 2ft or 4ft poking out the back of the van. What is the legal...
Reliance omnibus for preservation; unladen weight is 8.5 tons. We are all under 21 years of age and have been told that even if...