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L AST WEEK we dealt both in editorial comment and by means of a contributed article with the . importance of motor transport in...
E FIND OURSELVES in the &line position, as regards the recent Tractor Trials, as those gentlemen who attended them on behalf of...
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E LSEWHERE in this issue we publish the views of a contributor on the subject of the future taxation of commercial motor...
A Description of the Government Organization Employed in Hyde Park. T HE EFFICIENCY of the great organization which sprang...
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••• The wheel of wealth, will be slated by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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By "The Inspector." F ORTUNE HAS dictated that I am in. Paris on business at the time of the Salon de l'Automebile—the...
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Some Topical Notes and Comments. Aerial Services and the Strike. T HE great railway strike undoubtedly afforded a fine...
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Brief Technical Descriptions of the Principal Exhibits. T HE PERTINACITY of man and his ability and readiness to turn from a...
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A Hundred Machines, Representing Fifty Different Makes, Take Part in th Annual French Trials., T HE NEIGHBOURHOOD of Senlis...
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Why Taxation Should be Based not on Road Maintenance but on the Need to Improve Transport Economy and Efficiency. A SuggeAed...
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Lessons from the Lincoln Trials. M ANY lessons were learned at the Lincoln Trials, some of which are worthy of still further...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). " N A COLD and frosty morning." That, they tell us, is when theywent...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SBILLING8 is (warded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. Particulars of the transmission system of the Garner tractor are disclosed in...