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pARLIAMENT will reassemble in 11 days' time and the industry may then expect to learn the• • Make Levy Unnecessary precise...
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A DISTURBING number of premature failures of certain oil engines is being reported by various operators. Spares and replacement...
Guy A .F.V. for War Museum QIX weeks of intensive work on armoured vehicles by Guy Motors, Ltd., in 1937 effectively proved...
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That wishful thinking can lead to dishful shrinking. That Australian motor vehicles • must 110W be equipped with rear...
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O FFENCES relating to hours and records have, during the past week, cost two operators and their drivers nearly £2,215. The...
M EMBERSHIP of the Wholesale Meat and Provisions Transport Association now. numbers 70. The council have given consideration to...
THE National Council for the Omni.' bus Industry met yesterday to hear the report of a conciliation committee on the demand for...
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N EW efforts are likely to be made by the Road Haulage Association to secure the unification of negotiating machinery on wages...
Q FFICIALS of Scotland Yard's fraud squad are investigating allegations of fraud, said to involve a total of £800,000,...
THE Government should help the motor industry to open up new export markets. This statement was made last week by Mr. S. B....
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MR. J. A. TEARE has become manager of the Guildford depot of E. J. Baker and Co. (Dorking), Ltd., main Bedford dealers. • MR....
Oldham Corporation are to reduce their bus fleet from 240 to 235. Sixty crews are needed. The price of the Citroen 2cv 5-cwt....
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FIGURES for the cost of the new model pension scheme evolved for I use by members of the Road Haulage Association have now been...
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rejected a claim for higher pay for white-collar workers employed by Bristol Tramways and Carriage. Co., Ltd., Bath Electric...
L AST Wednesday the Ministry of Transport opened the first Government-operated vehicle-testing station in Britain, at...
A QUESTION of protection was debated before the Yorkshire Licnsing Authority when East • Midland Motor Services, Ltd., Trent...
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A FTER a brief adjournment of the hearing of an appeal by the Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh, last week, the appellants, the...
D ECISION was deferred at Leeds, on Friday, on an applicatiein by the Mexborough and Swinton Traction Co.,. Ltd., to the...
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A T an appeal hearing in London last week, a spokesman for British Railways submitted that a proposed coach service from...
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A SUBSTANTIAL order has been I — I placed by the Argentine Military Aeronautical Department, Buenos Aires, for Thornycroft...
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Bitterness Expressed Over Government's Halt to Denationalization: "Mockery" of 1953 Act, Declares Mr. Barrie I N a lively...
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Road Haulage Association Conference By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher Ha doubted the validity of the Association's poll, saying he...
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O N the petition of the Regent Oil Co., Ltd.. orders for the windingup of E. E. Bamford '(Louth). Ltd., and E. E. Bamford...
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Asks Arthur R. Wilson, M.I.R.T.E. L ARGE pantechnicons are useful for carrying many articles with which bulk, rather than...
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By Observer O N Sunday, some of Britain's finest goods-vehicle drivers will compete at Bramcote for the title, "Lorry Driver...
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TN a new mobile exhibition unit, I designed and built for Hoover, Ltd., the Deplirex system of construction is employed. The...
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A TIPPING vehicle for carrying asphalt, which has a heated floor and a blanket to keep the load at a -workable temperature, has...
T O meet the higher fuelling speeds required by the latest types of aircraft now coming into service, the B.P. Aviation Service...
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Improve Rally Organization T HROUGH the medium of your journal, I have read the results and reports of the tests for the...
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T HE time difficulties associated with the design and construction of commercial vehicles are brought forcibly to mind at the...
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Analysis of British Transport Given by Mr. P. G. Mase.field in 1.o.T. Presidential Address, Together With Plea for Ploughing...
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Improper Function A . ETHOUGH there is a possibility that Mr. Ernest Davies, M.P., would be appointed Minister of Trnsport in...
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First List 12 Purchases Disclosed : 0,050 Paid for 3i tons Unladen A SPECIAL A licence for another 84 vehicles and six...
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has transferred three lorries to other operators. One (31 tons) has gone to Messrs. Burton Bros., 132 Stride Avenue. Copnor,...
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A FRIEND, reading .these articles, suggested that instead of buying notebooks for recording costs, the operator . Might find it...
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The Rover Co., Ltd., Meteor Works, Lode Lane, Solihull, Birmingham, and shows a design for a driving and steering axle. The...