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T HERE have, in the past, been scares about a possible petrol famine, and various estimates as to the oil resources of America,...
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A tale of two Weathers. That "By Beharrel " is now a Dunlopism. That level-crossing law needs overhauling. That dancing at...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is hy the...
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Delegates from Many Countries Attend the Fifth International Road Congress. T HE Fifth international Road Congress organized...
(By our Special Correspondent.) T UE conduct of an international Congress is a difficult undertaking. The League of Nations,...
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Details of an Interesting Device Employed with Conspicuous Success on a 12-Ton Scarnmell Vehicle. T IIN large-capacity...
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T EE French demonstration trials for vehicles using fuels other than petrol are now in full swing. The event is chiefly a...
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Considerable Developments in the Use of Six-wheel Chassis in City and Inter-city Bus Work. S °MF1years ago we had the pleasure...
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H ALP the pleasure of playgoing is in the going and in the journey home again. This is especially so in London, where...
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A Second Volume of Mr. Ford's Ideas, Thoughts and Opinions Upon the Responsibilities of a Big Business to Its Workers and the...
" T HE WORLD ON WHEELS" is the title of a book that has just been published by Mr. H. 0. Duncan. When we say that it comprises...
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VOR some years past the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, have been experimenting with a number of live-axle...
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Agents and the General Public Flock to See the "Travelling Olympia." Trade Stimulated in the South of England. XIA T the...
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Views Expressed at the Annual Conference of the Municipal Tramways Association. Opinions of Birmingham, Glasgow and Salford...
TT is difficult to say exactly why the invasion of Glasgow by the motorbus was so long delayed," said Bailie Robert Laing,...
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" U NLESS some Government policy is speedily adumbrated, and given effect to by statute, which will correlate and regulate an...
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A Consideration of Further Methods of Preserving and Decorating Bus Bodies, Including a Complete Explanation of the Cellulose...
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Some Aspects of Municipal Passenger Transport in Aberdeen with Details of the Working of the Corporation's System in the Past...
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Refitting Steam-wagon Chains. A Fiat Improvement. Modifying a Dennis Water Pump. Notes on Crossley Engine Lubrication....
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Some Helpful Hints from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Bumper Springs. T TSUALLY vehicles are turned out by J the makers...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. MITE specification of Dr. T. Black_I_ wood Murray and the Albion Motor...