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A N interesting investigation into the health of drivers has been made by the transport department of Stork Margarine, under...
I T must already be appreciated by many hauliers that the implementing of a rational system of rates stabilization will clear...
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Police Officer Who ( IN our way to visit the wonBelieved in Safety \--Iderful new showrooms and First offices of Rootes, Ltd.,...
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That the desire for lightness has spread to oils. That one needs to be a disinterested party to sec the full humour of the...
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N.C.T. AND ROAD.TRANSPORT RESOLUTIONS. Several resolutions concerning road transport are on the agenda of the annual...
" There is not much chance of road transport being allowed any relief from taxation," said. Mr, A. Roy Wise, borough Member of...
WITH the ultimate object of making IfY its Maidstone depot the most comprehensive and best equipped of its kind in the...
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The number of buses, vans and lorries imported iuto India during the first nine months of the fiscal year (April 1-December 31,...
THE railways failed to meet with any success in last Monday's hearing of their appeal against the Collier Daniels decision, and...
" I HAVE never come across an I applicant before who has been able to put such a peculiar interpretation on a condition...
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• Messrs. Elrick and Hutcheon, haulage contractors, of Aberdeen, appealed recently against the refusal of their applications in...
P IIORMICAST is the name bestowed by Hepworth and Grandage,. Ltd., St. John's Works, Bradford, _upon its latest piston rings,...
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"We country people do not subscribe to the view that the Ministry of Transport is the Great White Spirit, that it has ever done...
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Reference to the likelihood of a National Wages Board was made at the annual meeting in Edinburgh, last week, of the Scottish...
AOST months, now, seem to have 1V1 settled down, so far as registrations of new commercial vehicles are concerned, to a fairly...
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are usually two inquests. The first is held by the vehicle owner, when he tries to discover the reason for his loss, and the...
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WITHIN recent years, railway VV income has shown a decided increase. The daily Press has marked this as a welcome sign of trade...
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P LANNED for every job on small farms and for small jobs on big farms, the new Allis-Chalmers Model B is probably the first...
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T HERE would be difficulty in finding a more effective way of making a vehicle attract attention than to design it so that the...
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Largest Borough S INCE the borough is London's largest, the municipal authorities at Wandsworth have to take advan• tage of...
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ACT DEFEATS ITS PURPOSE? That the 1933 Road and Rail Traffic Act had been designed to obviate road congestion, but had had the...
and ball of Associated Road Operators . (Metropolitan Area) held last Monday at Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London, W., and...
A RECOMMENDATION that haulier members of the A.R.O. Yorkshire area should pay the wage increase agreed upon by the National...
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We understand from the A.R.O. that Hammersmith and Shepherd's Bush Chamber of Trade and Commerce has sent the following...
Members of the B.R.F. deputation to the M.O.T. regarding suggested amendments to the Road and Rail Traffic Act, met officials...
for Ratecutters !". A T each of S.T.R.'s two recent meet ings at Andover and Portsmouth, in the Southern area of A.R.O.,...
A MASS meeting of the Metropolitan Area of A.R.O. was held, a few days ago. The chairman, Mr. J. F. E. Pye, who is a member of...
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T HERE was a paragraph in The Commercial Motor on page 153 of the issue dated March 11. in which a member of the Plymouth...
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TEST OF BEDF UD 5-6-cwt. VAN C ONSIDERATIONS of cost and weight are, commonly, among the biggest worries of the designing...
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FEW LEVEL-CROSSING ACCIDENTS. T HERE were, Mr. Burgin said, I approximately 4,560 public road level-crossings on the principal...
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Brick Haulage R ARELY does one find that all the persons connected with a particular haulage concern are unanimous in their...
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A MONG the three new models which were exhibited at Earls Court, last November, by the Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd., Parkside,...
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W HAT is the probable trend during, say, the next five years of developments in road haulage? That is a vital question and one,...
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and QUERIES CASE DISMISSED BUT COSTS TOTAL £10. [5320] On March 22 we wrote to ask your advice regarding a summons that we...
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A FIER an application by Leeds Corporation, for permission to operate a new bus service in substitution for trams, had been...
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I in the wages dispute with the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and its subsidiary concerns, regarding the modified terms...
L AST week, we promised to include ta this issue some points from the Weights and Measures (Sand and Ballast) Regulations,...
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New Morris-Commercial A LTIIOUGH swinging half-axles tAwith tubular chassis have been employed for some time by Continental...