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W HO would reap the advantages if the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses were to agree with British Road...
Learn the Hard Way WHEN Mr. S. A. Jacobs, vice-chairman of the " Western Area of the Road Haulage Association, left school at...
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That there are no rats and no sinking ship. That it takes a man of spirit to reduce liquid-fuel prices. • That Scammell should...
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" W HETHER there is a General Election or not, the Road Haulage Association are firmly resolved to support denationalization of...
QTATEMENTS were made in the N--/ House of Commons last week about delays to. road haulage vehicles at the docks. Mr. Collins...
1 - '1 A DRIVER was awarded £672 damages against his employer by Mr. Justice Devlin at Birmingham Assizes last week. Mr. Henry...
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Wil Y is it that British Railways ha‘e an endless number of enorous vans, each of which carries only Le parcel? It is a curious...
R EGRET that there was not a closer relationship between the Motor Agents' Association and the National Employers' Association...
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IGHTEEN local councils were among the 20 objectors who last week opposed proposals by City of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., to...
MR. J. C. LUCY has been appointed sales manager (commercial vehicles) of Dennis Bros., Ltd. MR. J. W. MOORE, technical manager...
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LTHOUGH the Postmaster-General has accepted the recommendations the Mobile Radio Committee to give, far as possible, security...
International Union of Public Transport on standardization of vehicle design is being sought by Mr. A. A. M. Durrant, chief...
A NCILLARY users should be on the alert against attempts to impose bans on delivery, says the annual report of the Traders'...
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I -1 A FIVE-YEAR plan of the West Bengal Government to nationalize all bus services in Calcutta is to be started this month,...
B EFORE offering higher bonuses and holiday payments to their employees, who accepted them, the Standard Motor Co., Ltd.,...
E MPLOYERS could not agree to any guarantee on working schedules, wage rates and conditions of employment in advance of the...
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rHE South Eastern Licensing L Authority last week rejected the pplication of Mr. B. S. Williams, trmer managing director of...
T HE Minister of Transport has rejected with costs appeals by Aireborough and Horsforth Urban District Councils against a...
1-1 , A COMPLETE range of maximum capacity goods vehicles, to meet the increased permissible gross-load ratings in this...
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This body, which is of 18-cu.-yd. pacity, is notably tight. Suitable for :nnis and Karrier chassis, it pivots at rear in the...
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Laurels the Road by P. A. C. Brockington, With the Power Increased Nearly 30 Per Cent. by an Exhaust-driven Blower, the...
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Rubber in Commercial-vehicle ?ins; Forecast : Good Energyties Make this an Excellent ciliary and Main Road Springs hn Savage,...
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QPECIALIST builders of insulated bodies for meat transport, Messrs. F. R Peacock, Balham High Road. London, S.W.17, have now...
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Part One By Our Legal Adviser W HEN anyone meditates about the possible consequences of accidents involving vehicles on the...
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Two Oldbury Haulage Concerns Buy 17 More Vehicles : Unit Purchases Reported from Six Areas ik NOTHER 23 lorries, with a total...
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DROTRUDING rams and body underframe distortion are avoided on an E.R.F. heavy-duty tipper which has been equipped with the...
NCLUDED in the equipment of a Thornycroft Trident vehicle recently cquired by Lansing Bagnall, Ltd.. asingstoke, are a...
1.--1 A SPANNER which can be used on round, square. hexagonal and components of irregular shape, has been introduced. The...
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Political Commentary jly JANUS The leading article in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor supported the aims over which...
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)pinions and Queries ['HERE has been much criticism lately of flashing indicators on vehicles by people who seem to think iat...
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By C. S. Dunbar, M.Inst.T. Long ZIrperience Combined with Acknowledged Lessons Learned During the Period of Nationalization...
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THE feud between Israel and the Arab States has caused difficulty for British commercial-vehicle manufacturers. Any maker who...
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PTENDED for heavy commercial vehicles, an auxiliary gearbox is shown in patent No. 724,325 by Morris Commercial Cars Ltd.,...