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R OAD transport still requires a. good deal of internal organization. The solution of this difficulty is not a question of...
to ` be devoted to the encouragement of the haulage and passenger-carrying sides of the industry, because these, more than any...
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A N interesting point is raised in a paper by Mr. H. 0. Farmer dealing with small oil engines, read recently before the...
Three further outspoken opinions on the future of road passenger transport in this country are included: Page 10. Tabulated...
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Of Vulcan forging to good effect. That at present Berlin is the Mecca of the Continental motorist. That ,if we have many more...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
S OME indication of the basis of the )proposed amalgamation between the Road Haulage Association and the Counnercial Motor...
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The Institute of the Motor Trade, 201, Great Portland Street, London, W.1, has issued.a, neat brochure dealing with the...
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A meeting of the special Road and Rail Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce was 'held, in Paris, last week, under...
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S TRONG speeches were made at the annual dinner of the Devon and Cornwall Area of the Road Haulage Association, at Plymouth,...
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Lengthy discussions regarding the grading of districts took place at a meeting of the North-Western Area Conciliation Board, on...
lbedditeh Urban District Council is to purchase a refuse collector. Wakefield Watch Committee has authorized the purchase of...
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PI A CONFERENCE of Scottish roadtransport employers was held in Dundee, on February '10, to discuss the future of negotiations...
in Scotland took place in Edinburgh on Tuesday, when the Tribunal heard an appeal by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway...
O N Friday last, the Appeal Tribunal, at a sitting in London, upheld the appeal of the London and NorthEastern Railway Co....
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Further Outspoken Opinions on Important Problems Confronting the Passenger Side of the Road Transport Industry. Leading...
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I - r may be remembered that, during last summer, a series of tests of oil engines using gas oil as fuel was carried out at the...
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RINGWAY FOR MANCHESTER. T HE Air Ministry has approved the proposition of Manchester City Council to buy 660 acres of land at...
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A Review of the Statistics for 1934 Illustrates the Change Wrought by the Road Trans port Act, 1933. A Marked Improvement in...
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A Fleet of Commer Vans Used to Provide a Valuable Service for Doctors, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, etc, A FLEET of five Commer...
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Allegations of Bias in Granting Haulage Licences. Penalizing the Operator who Licenses his Vehicles on a Quarterly Basis Using...
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Dangerous Results from the Existing Political Tendencies in Road Transport Foreseen by a Well-informed Contributor then one...
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Random Pointers on Many Matters of Interest to the Private Carrier in Connection With the Employment of the Lighter Types of...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent THE FIVE YEARS PLAN. A N announcement was made by Mr. tiklIore-Belisha concerning...
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A Metallurgical Authority Gives Some Details of the Valuable Results Obtained from the Hardfacing, Chapmanizing, Shorterizing...
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T HE German Reichsbahn has adopted a novel rear loader for use on all lorries working in connection with the railways. The...
A T the IuncheOn held in Dublin, on February 6, in connection with the first national exhibition of Irish-built Ford vehicles,...
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Passenger Transport All the latest news of important developments affecting public-service vehicle owners RAILWAYS URGE...
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T HE report of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co. for the year ended December 31, 1934, shows that revenue amounted to...
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O N Tuesday the Coleford magistrates gave a decision of great interest to users of accommodation petrol pumps, when they fined...
/10RE than 8,000 road-transport IVioperators in the Yorkshire Area have been invited to attend a meeting to be held in the...
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Tinplate Makers Busy. Drapery Trade Preparations, Cotton and Wool Improvement. Ho siery and Lace Prospects Good A CIIVITY in...
MENDERS are invited by the following WA. esl dates given in parentheses):—Southendon-Sea B.C. for tarred limestone and tarred...
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Establishment Costs: What They Are and How to Keep a Suitable Record of Them I N planning this scheme of keeping records of...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications that have Recently been Published A CCORDING to Leyland Motors, CiLtd., and P. E. Biggar,...