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T HE average Briton is looked upon in his own country and by most people in other parts of tht world as a most law-abiding...
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D O insurers experience much difficulty in obtaining correct information concerning commercial vehicles, particularly vans and...
Similar Chassis Vary in Weight CHASSIS makers arid, bodybuilders now co operate much more fully than was the case only a few...
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Of Australia endeavouring to boost parts production. That the railways need coaching" to achieve passenger comfort. That if...
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Earns Another £15m. TRAFFIC receipts of the British Transport Commission were L59)398,000" higher in 1951 than in 1950....
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A PARTY organizer who received £1 10s. in excess of the charge for the hire of a coach from 'the members of the party, and who...
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MR. R. E. MITCHELL has been appointed a director of Metalastik-, Ltd. MR A. V. Ntc,oit_ti and MR. C. L. VVOOLVERIDGE have...
A new Goodyear tyre depot has been opened at May Street. Belfast. Blue Motors. Bethesda, have been acquired by Crosville Motor...
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" Ilf/E seem to have licensed services • Vi c in excess of requirements. This is a glarinc example of wasteful competition and...
P RESENT legislation _permitted the best use to be made of the country's transport facilities. Practically no cornplaint had...
" ( - NNE of the rssues in this case will V be whether or not, in the light of the great expense of rail travel to-day, •...
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" TT is in every way desirable that the 'nationalized transport undertaking should keep in close ,touch with the users, and...
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Many Municipal Functions are Entrusted to Belfast Corporation Transport Department, one of the Few Undertakings in the United...
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Reduces Accidents T WO years ago, the accident record of the 50 drir'iers of Don Everall, Ltd., Wolverhampton, corresponded to...
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B ETWEEN August 13 and December 22 -last year. over 4m. gallons of milk were collected in Northern Ireland by 46 road tankers....
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The Last Application in the North? Morecambe Applies at Last: E.Y.M.S. Faces Objectors: 24. Minimum For Derby : Devon...
WHETHER a Licensing Authority W has the right to prepare a table of fares and impose them on a local authority, or whether his...
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I WAS very interested in your leading article entitled Safety on the Road," in "The Commercial Motor" dated January 11, and I...
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T HE first coachbuilding concern to present a new coach design this year, Strachans (Successors), • Ltd., Wales Farm Road,....
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—Can Be Done Either by Assessing What the Vehicle would Earn if it were Running on the Road Instead of Standing Idle, or by...
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A PRE-COMBUSTION chamber for PA an oil engine is shown in patent No. 663,313, by Daimler-Benz A.G., Stuttgart-Unterttirkheim,...