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The Road Board announces that, with the sum of the additional advances which it has indicated to County Councils and other...
A Fortnight Hence. The Commercial Motor Show at Manchester will be opened a fortnight to-morrow—the 30th inst. It was the...
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"Commercial Motors" at the Private , -car Inaugural Dinner. The Private-car Show, in the City Hall, Manchester, is now open,...
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That cleaning day is rag-lime. That Price's soap was only just in time. That mushroom valves spring up quickly. That they only...
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An Interesting Visit to View Further Extensions to the Spitalfields Works. We feel sure that a great many of our readers must...
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First-published Particulars of the Two-ton and Five-ton Additions to the List of Daimler "Industrials." Sleeve-valve Engines,...
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The Traffic Branch of the B.O.T. Presses for Further Road Facilities as the Only Effective Means of Relieving Congestion. There...
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Our illustration shows a recent Maw:Islay-delivery to Belfast, in the form of a single-deck omnibus. Quite a new type of body...
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The Bradford Corporation has purchased a. 40 h.p. Daimler lorry. Bournemouth Town Council may shortly purchase a motor...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. MBA WA WA: .) . 7.9gge6 40 :00 V,. 4 > iii s...
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Banter at Manchester. 2555 for an Old r oden. Pushing a Bus to Start It. By " The Extractor." " Is this what turns you pale'?...
For the first time in its history the Brussels Motor Car Show has devoted a reasonable amount of attention to commercial...
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What Causes Road Waves? Sprung and Unsprung Weight. The .Editor THE COMMERCIAL 'MOTOR 1112971 Sir, ••I have heard a lot of...
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Licence or No Licence ? [2290] (Stranraer).You will have to secure no licence to run a motor vehicle which is used solely for...
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to Buy your Supplies. You Can Get It At— Manufacturer " (Leeds).—The instrument for recording the resiliency of solid rubber...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Knight Engine Modification. A Novel Silencer. Fan-actuated Governor. C. Y. KNIGHT, No 28,990, dated 16th December, 1912— In...