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T HAT we shall win this war we have no shadow of doubt, but the time that will be taken in doing so depends very largely upon...
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W HEN reviewing the position of road transport in war-time, it is not very difficult to understand the dissatisfaction so often...
Obtaining Pig Iron er'HERE are only a few from Minute Iron I installations in the world Waste which make it possible to pro...
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That the arrangements for cattle transport by road constitute an example of sound organization. That, despite the ban on the...
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RATES FOR HAULAGE OF SANITARY PIPES T HE rates given below have been agreed between manufacturers of sanitary pipes and...
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/N February a decree concerning the 'utilization of home-produced fuels was passed by the French Government. From January 1,...
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connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be written on only one side of the paper. The right of abbreviation...
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BUS-REVENUE SETBACK AT GLASGOW R EVENUE of the Glasgow municipaltransport services during the year ended May 31 last fell...
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Crossley Single-decker Convertzd from Oil to Operate on Town Gas Carried in Lowpressure Container A SINGLE-DECK oil-engined...
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Prominent Operator Enabled to Continue 'Using Old Vehicle with High Petrol Cons u mp tion Rate, by Converting it to Solid...
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Official Schedule, Authorized by the Ministry of Food, Now in Force T HE accompanying schedule of rates for the carriage of...
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:74 HAULAGE REQUIREMENTS Answering the Spoken Q the Unspoken Question of Movement, Ltd., Describec Expedient, Explained. A in...
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PAST ONE A Comparison, Bridging 25 Years, of Experience in Training Drivers for Military Service By A Technical Officer I N...
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To Be Made in This Country TheSeest Centreless Precision Grinder, Formerly Handled by Warner Engineering Equipment, Ltd., Now...
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F ROM Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, comes patent No. 519,877 describing a novel suspension...