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Our illustrated report of last Monday's Seventh Annual C.M.U.A. Parade occupies a considerable proportion of the total space...
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Some seven or eight years ago a certain American business man, Gordon Selfridge to wit, embarked on an enterprise, in London,...
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The editor of "The Petroleum Review" is responsible for the following interesting statistics concerning the world's production...
Misleading Quotations. The Small User. Hilham's Licence. By "The Extractor." It occurs to me when I read occasional...
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" No complaints." That all slept well on Monday night. That it's a mercy that Warings were late. That the Boy Scout and his...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial hooses. It, is notified that increases of railway...
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Belfast will not have a horse in its Fire Brigade by October next. Wimbledon Corporation is considering the purchase of a...
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The Officials. The Judges Committee, which consisted of the members of the Parade Committee, had given a large amount of time,...
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A Consideration of Some of the Shortcomings of Modern Passenger-vehicle Ventilation. There was always something particularly...
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Further Extracts From and Comment Upon Mr. Albert H. Stanley's Evidence Before the Select Committee of the House of...
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best com. munication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else published, with an allowance for...
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It is not without interest to note that some winners of championship prizes figure prominently in the awards list, year by...
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complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom by the Sales Branch, Patent...