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public meeting of motor owners and users, . addressed by Field-Marshal Lord French, Lord Desborough, and others was to urge the...
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That a Leyland led the lorries in the Lord Mayor's Show. That H. G. Burford'..s only son has accepted a commission in the...
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By "The Inspector." W E HAVE HAD some remarkable surprises these 'last few years with regard to the. places of origin of many...
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An Epic on " Commandeering " of Premises, Not Entirely Devoid of Truth. I T WA 6 ONLY the question of a word. One word, that...
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of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the...
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The value of the commercial vehicle for highway Work is fully evidenced by the annual report of he county surveyor of...
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A New Design Lending Itself to Production in Large Quantities. IN - VIEW OF the keen competition which Will prevail after the,...
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An Investigation of the Effect of the One Upon the Other, Taking Into Account Also the Influence of Varying ,Fuel Costs. I N...
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Comprehensive Scheme for the Unification and Co-ordination of Transport to Promote Greater Economy and Higher Efficiency. F OR...
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T HE SUCCESS or failure of a tractor of the wheeled type is very considerably dependent upon the size of its wheels their...
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A Partial Fallacy and the Danger of a Little Learning on the Part of the Salesman. By Henry Sturmey. A NYalgE WHO HAS looked...
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What Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, Edinburgh and Glasgow are Doing. nEVELOPMENTS IN the North of LA' England are proceeding...
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Is the Agent Wanted ? The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1552] Sir,—I have read with interest . " Inspector's" candid article...
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A :PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week all others are paid for at the rate of a penny a line, with an published....
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Detachable Wheels for Allchin Steam Wagons. With the use of rubber tyres on steam wagons becoming more and more general, the...