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0 NE of the major topics which are now being discussed in commercialvehicle trade circles and by operators is the prices of...
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r THE Premier, last week, spoke of preparations which are being made to cover the period up to, and including, 1943, that is,...
A GOOD air-raid story is going the rounds. One night, when things became somewhat hectic and many pieces of shell were flying...
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That the British Navy and the R.A.F. are removing the Mediterranean blues. That the present dearth of road transport would...
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DUMPERS NOT MOTOR VEHICLES: SCOTTISH RULING T "Justiciary Appeal Court, Edinburgh, on November 8, gave judgment in two appeals...
By S. H. JARDINE, Secretary A.R.O., Metropolitan Area IT is with a feeling of appreciation 1 that I read the fair criticism of...
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T WO new models have been added to the range of producer-gas plant niade by British Vehicle Producer Gas, Ltd., 120, Pall Mall,...
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A SCHEME for the higher education ot those of its members and others interested in transport administration as a civilian...
D URING last week-end a dbc.ument of outstanding importance reached hundreds of operators in the northwest. Prompt co-operation...
C HOOSING as his subject "The ‘..."Organization of Transport During Defence Emergency," Sir William Chamberlain, North-western...
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M UCH has been made by Government spokesmen of the reserve of tractors formed for meeting the exceptional demands of the farmer...
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Close Examination of Advantages Resulting from the Use of Die-castings for Commercial-vehicle Components. When Gravity...
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for Low-pressure Gas The "G.M. and Mangoktsi Product Now Available in Three Types. Device Fitted to Manchester Corporation...
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• Good and Bad Features of Current Methods Discussed in Authoritative Paper. By-pass Type Generally Favoured, but...
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S 0 much has road transport become a part of the national life in the past couple of decades that there are now many highly...
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CHECK TYRES WHEN HIRING TO THE ARMY W OULD it be possible for you to give some space in your valuable journal to convey a...
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Referring to Some Actual Cost Figures and Showing, by Analysis of Them, What Sort of Mistakes Operators are Likely to Make I N...
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N O one, who knows the facts can fail to be impressed by the extremely useful work which has been carried out for some years by...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT BRAVERY MEDAL FOR BUSMEN L ONDON Transport is instituting a "Bravery Medal" for busmen and other...
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'TO eliminate rattle due to wear is the I object of a refinement in tractortrailer couplings shown in Patent No. 526,705, by A....