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H IS week over 350 delegates, representing a liberal cross-section of British manufacturers (and therefore transport users) met...
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FROM A• SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT EARS are being expressed by some I heavy-haulage operators that uprated gross weights for...
QTRICTER measures are being taken by the Customs authorities of many Continental countries to ensure strict compliance with the...
S IR REGINALD WILSON, managing director of the Transport Holding Company, told the Merseyside and District section of the...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT DRITISH ROAD SERVICES spending ij on new road vehicles and depot facilities is going up....
1.o.T.A. Prize : The Institute of Traffic Administration will award an annual prize valued at 25 guineas for the best paper...
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I T now seems likely that the Council of Ministers will not be in a position to give its decisions on the E.E.C. common...
M6 Now Open 4 7) TODAY, Friday. the Minister of I Transport is due to open 33 miles of the M6 motorway between the northern end...
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D EPRESENTATIVES of the Traders 1\•• Road Transport Association on Monday met officials of the Ministry of Transport to discuss...
I N a case claimed by the defence to be the first of its kind. a North Yorkshire firm of haulage contractors was accused at...
" lkilY Ministers will encourage the provisions of a modern transport system by all appropriate means, including planning,...
E Minister of Transport is under stood to he considering the publication of a White Paper on the financial difficulties of...
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IT was alleged before the Transport I Tribunal in London on Tuesday that the British Railways Board was making an appeal on "a...
A N appeal by a Southampton haulage firm specializing in low-loader work who feared that another Southampton firm were trying...
A N application for a Contract A to A i licence switch by Fast Freight (Road Haulage) Ltd., of King's Lynn was heard by the...
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1-1 A HAULlER was told by the South Eastern Licensing Authority on Tuesday that he" had been living in the good old days." He...
A N application for 10 tippers of 64 I -1 tons on B licence was made at Chester on Monday by Mr. C. N. Catherall, of Buckley,...
for a 15-vehicle B to A licence switch was adjourned by Mr. A. B. Birnie the Scottish deputy Licensing Authority last week, Mr....
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This Week's Bids 1VIANY Contract A and C licence iv' transfer requests are listed this week. and are as follows: Contract A...
Ladybank, new B lie., 1 yell. (310. Aerie. produce and requisites within 60 mites. Charles W. Miebie Ltd.. Aberdeen, A var.....
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T HE agreement on a 15 per cent pay increase for drivers of one-man buses negotiated between Chesterfield Corporation and the...
"IT would he stupid to disguise the complexity of the problems which face transport managements in all parts of the world, but...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE three-point claim by 100,000 company busmen was turned down out of hand when the...
T HE deadlock between the London Transport Board and its busmen— centring around the - ban on overtime and rest-day...
Perkins group German sales and service company, F. Perkins Kundendienst G.m.b.H., of Aschaffenburg, and Mr. W. J. Hayward...
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IVI DEOUNTABL-BODY version A „f its • solid fuel dispensing and bagging unit has been introduced by Atkinson's of Clitheroe...
A N exhaust-brake valve has been developed by Dowty Hydraulic Units Ltd. and has been put into limited production, one size...
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S WEDISH State Railways have recently ordered 200 special buses from A.B. Scania-Vabis which have been built with an eye to the...
1600,000 ORDER FOR SCOTTISH BODYBUILDER: Orders which will keep Walter Alexander and Co. (Coach builders) Ltd. busy throughout...
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B.M.C. Profit Up: Group profit of the British Motor Corporation was £21,970,470 for the year ended July 27 last, compared with...
Handyman Hard facing exhaust valves WHETHER burnt in a petrol engine VV or hammered in a heavy diesel, many thousands of...
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and Publications Joint with Collet Fixing PA A NEW type of ball joint for linkage mechanisms has been developed by The...
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"MR. MACMILLAN said that exportin g was fun. think so, too, but I also think that it's bloody hard work. I have been bitten on...
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D R. BEECHING, chairman of British Railways Board, disclosed at a conference organized by the Export Council for Europe on...
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Set the Standard T HERE is always something rationally personal about the bodywork exhibits at Kelvin Hall; personal in the...
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There is one minor inaccuracy; this, I believe, occurred due to pressure on space, which must be particularly heavy at the...
WHILE agreeing with Janus on the general recognition " which is now being given to the importance of co-operation. I should...
ILEASE accept my thanks for the extremely well prepared and careful presentation of my articles on Mack: Smoke Causes and...
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IT was by no means the heaviest load ever carried by Stutter Bros. Ltd., and I neither was it the longest the company have had...
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licensing system . . W ITH the appointment of the Geddes Committee, public interest in road haulage licensing is perhaps ....
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n HE British climate being what it is—awful—windscreen wipers in this country come in for a great deal of wear. There are few...
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k S distinct from the problem of fitting the technical specification a a commercial vehicle to the work it will subsequently...