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We think the Court of Common Council has :tem] wisely in deciding not to go forward, at least for the present, with any request...
The old school of traction-engine men are gradually coming round to admit that " heavy motorcars " are an admitted success in...
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Mr. Dugald Clerk, F.R.S., NE I net.C.E., in his presidential address delivered before the members of the Incorporated...
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Suggested Means of Control upon the Speeds of Commercial Motor Vehicles. \lot twit, including many operating engineers....
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A Simple and Ingenious Device which Ensures Economy of Fuel. The three principal requirements of a carburetter are te(a), the...
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Road Traction Engineers. Wu desire to point out, in order that certain inaccurate statements may be checked, that the " Royal...
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Services in Sheffield. The Sheffield Corporation, notwithstanding its possession of Parliamentary powers to purchase and run...
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rhis journal has the largest and best circulation, i.e., the total of subscribers orders and actual purchases from newsagents...
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By the courtesy of Mr. F. H. Alley, of Alley and MacLellan, Limited, I have been able to hand to the Editor a photograph of the...
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A Summary of the Conditions which are Essential to the Successful Establishment of a Business in Motor Hiring. Useful...
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We have received a number of letters from existing contractors, to the senders of which we are indebted for their interest, and...
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A characteristic instance of the commercial prosperity resulting from the employment of a tractor may be chosen for comment ;...
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For the commercial motor user, the feature of the International Road Conference which first attracts attention is the display...
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From Our Own Correspondent in Paris. The International Harvester Company's machine has been on the market for seine time, but...
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Ten Shillings Weekly f or the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. Weighbridge for Axle-weights....
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CARBURETTER.--No. 9,209, dated under Convention let January, 1908—Socie'tt et G. Longuemare Freres.-This invention relates to a...