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O NCE again a wave of unrest is surging through , the ranks of the, goodsnauiters Pursue haulage industry. So far as Protect...
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Not All American A PPARENTLY, the rates Hauliers Receive i — Lfor haulage in America are Adequate Rates . . not being increased...
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Of motor-taxation proposals in confusing profusion. That few of these are basically sound and logical. _ That heavy taxation...
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C.M.U.A. COMPILING RECORD OF WAR FEATS BY TRANSPORT "THE C.M.U.A. is desirous of com piling a record of the conspicuous...
Ma. F. R. STAGG, M.I.Struct.E., assistant managing director of Thos. W. Ward,Ltd., of Sheffield, since 1938, has been appointed...
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Bureaucratic Control Would Stifle Enterprise and Initiative anti Retard Research and Development THAT State ownership of...
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L AST week the Institute of Transport held the second of what it is hoped will be regular annual lunches given to members of...
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A S the Allied armies roll eastward across France towards the German border, airfields must follow them, for air power is,...
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I HAVE received a letter from a friend of mine, himself a successful operator, casting doubts upon the ability of T. Goy and...
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Theory and Practice for Minimum Deadweight with Maximum Permissible Loading. Relationship Between "Light Design" and...
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IR British manufacturers of commercial vehicles are to 'compete successfully in post-war world markets it is imperative that...
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Difficulties Which Had to be Overcome Before Vehicles and Equipment Could be Rendered Immune from Sea-water Effects 'THERE has...
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T HE recent tremendous increase in the use of light metal has been paralleled by important developments in welding aluminium...
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Interesting Conversion Which Has Given Satisfactory Service Over an Extended Period A N interesting conversion of a Ford van...
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How the 1944 Act Affects Employer and Former Employee • and Places Certain Obligations on Each T HERE has been placed on the...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications That Have Recently 4Ieen Published T HE problem of accurately metering small quantities of...