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debase the value of transport units and pile up a loss on the sale of British Road Services to private enterprise, they could...
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Early Use of Light Oils AAANY operators are inclined to consider the "'employment of "thin " oils for engines and other units...
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That a supercharger is a thing a haulier may find it wiser to have than to be. Complaints that, nowadays, everything seems to...
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A N unusual double-deck two-ailed bus, with a full-fronted body and engine at the rear, was shown to B.E.T. officials in London...
THE British Transport Commission I and the Road Haulage Disposal Board decided in January and February that the highest bids...
A SUGGESTION that children injured on the roads should always be compensated, either through insurers or the State, whether the...
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THE Chancellor of the Exchequer's failure to reduce the fuel tax in I the Budget " must inevitably result in a flood of...
•U SEFUL discussions upon changes of base, arising from the purchase of a British Road Services unit previously operated some...
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MR. KEITH BARRY, maintenance engineer of the John Bull Rubber Co.. Ltd., has been appointed development engineer, CLLR, W....
T HE "time has now come when one of the vehicle manufacturers has begun to follow our lead and to manufacture Diesel engines...
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T HE table below summarizes the progress of denationalization to date. A statement by the British Transport Commission and Road...
WHEN a conviction against a VY Chaddesley Corbett farmer who had left his vehicle in a " no-waiting " area at Brornsgrove while...
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But Many Refused A LARGE portion of the application for higher fares made by Highland Omnibuses, Ltd., was rejected by the...
l – I A CLAUSE in the Belfast Corpora tion Acts of 1904 and 1948, laying down that the municipal transport department must pay...
A BUS with separate entrance and rt exit doors and operating on the pay-as-you-enter system is not suitable for Walsall. This...
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IT was remarkable that a concern based I in a town of fewer than 7,000 inhabitants operated more than 40 vehicles and attracted...
G. W. Twdley and Son, Ltd. Cap. £500. Directors. George W. Twilley, 32 Mayes Road, Wood Green, London, N.22, and Stanley C....
'WHEN a plea of g uilty was entered TV by Mr. B. T. Humphrey on behalf of J. Dowker (Sheffield), Ltd., The Dale. Sheffield, who...
January 1, 1954, have been obtained for members of British Road Services supervisory and clerical staffs. B.R.S. Board of Mana...
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Minister of Transport has revised the present rules regarding rear lamps and reflectors as the result of the passing of the...
A Sum of £333,226 in compensation for nationalization was awarded last week by the transport Arbitration Tribunal to three...
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T HE number of goods vehicles in India should be increased by 85,000 to relieve the shortage of transport facilities, according...
DRIVER who had an accident in a shooting brake while in the service of his employers was ordered at Birmingham Assizes last...
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Tenderers in List R1 Notified of Success S UCCESSFUL tenderers for units without premises in List RI were notified last...
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L AST July, L. F. Dove, Ltd., of White Rose Lane, Woking, introduced their first complete plastic body. Since that time, big...
A NEW hydraulic overhead loader is being manufactured by F. E. Weatherill, Ltd, Union Row, London, N.I7. It can shift 100 tons...
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M ANCHESTER does not immediately strike one as a pleasure resort, but, strange though it may seem at first sight, hundreds of...
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A Well-known Band Leader Expects to Save Money by Operating his own Coach A WARDROBE, cocktail bar and buffet, and seats...
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Without the Law By JANUS S UGGESTIONS for the licensing of clearing houses have been made many times. For more reasons than...
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A Handy Vehicle for Small Loa Morris 1O-cwt. Pick-up Performs Well on Test and has Adequate Body Space: Lively Acceleration...
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T HE Holland-America shipping line have modernized their terminal at Hoboken, New York, so that full advantage can be taken of...
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New Dangers for Old WOULD like fully to support your leading article of April 2 under the heading "Those Two Rear Lights,"...
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Trent Country A Large Part of Nottinghamshire is Served by Barton Transport, Ltd., an Independent Operator, and Trent Motor...
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B Y providing the floor of a van body with four sections, three of which can slide one over the other, it is possible to load 8...
great interest to operators was answered by members of the "Western Forum organized by C.A.V. Ltd., at their western area...
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W HEN dealing with hauliers' problems, I have often thought that many newcomers must have been appalled at the apparent heavy...
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B OTH hinged doors and those of the folding type have their disadvantages when fitted to a passenger service vehicle, and a new...