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We would urge upon motorcab proprietors the expediency of early and united action in respect of the unsatisfactory yield to...
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No one will deny the importance of the change in the daily life of every class in the community, which the inin - Auction of...
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News contributioni are invited: payment will be mode on publication. The Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., has again declared...
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Hamburg is acquiring, at a t.ost of -E-1,750. an additional electrically-propelled set of vehicles for its lire-brigade—at...
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Limited Use: Bad Roads. In writing of the commercial vehicle in the United States, one is reminded most forcibly of early...
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This journal is officially recognized by the Commercial Motor Users' Association. M. H. Kerr Thomas has agreed to act as our...
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* M atters. contributions are invited: payment will be made on pitblicatient. King's Norton Urban District Council is now...
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of colloquialisms or I shall wear a " sorrow's crown of sorrow." I went. to the Smithfield Show, where I gladly renewed...
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News contributions are invited: payment will be made on publication. The taxicabs, for Colombo, which 'we mentioned last week,...
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Good-bye to the Horse Bus. The Editor, THE COMMIIRCIAL MOTOR. - _1,080] Sir,—In your adudrable synopsis of motorbus matters,...
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In our issue of the 21st, January, 1908, we recorded the inaugural trip of the "Ilford " petrol-electric omnibus before its...
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Our readers Trill be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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Mr. G. McNeil Sharp, the London representative of Halley's industrial Motors, Ltd., of Yoker. near Glasgow, who some months ago...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else publishedL...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...