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By THE EDITOR A T the time of writing the outlook is dark and foggy, but light follows darkness and fog is invariably...
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and more careful driving, it is interesting to learn that in the Argentine the more orthodox type is preferred, because the...
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It stated that petrol's triumph does not equal that of the pneumatic tyre. That the Chairmen of the Area Commissioners are to...
Cold-weather precautions are becoming topical amongst drivers of motor vehicles. One man recently inquired from another how to...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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T O carry on the work of investigation in connection with malaria and other tropical diseases, the Entomological Laboratory of...
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Oil Engines to the Fore. A Comprehensive Tractor Display A T the Smithfield Club Cattle Show, which was held at the Royal...
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and Status of the ROAD -TRANSF DRT INDUSTRY T HE task of recording the progress of the road transport industry becomes...
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of the OIL ENGINE T HE compression-ignition oil engine, or Diesel, as it is generally, but incorrectly, called, is now being...
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The London and North Eastern Railway Co. has placed an order with the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., for 45 4-ton vehicles for...
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How a Sales Campaign Should be Conducted in this Promising but Difficult Country. Advice to Makers Showing at the Buenos Aires...
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of the Present and Future L OOKING at the commercial-vehicle industry as it stands to-day, it is difficult to realize that...
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W YE must thank the recent war for bringing into evidence the value of commercial motors in all problems of transport. When...
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TEE tendency during the past few years towards heavier and heavier loads and the increased use of road vehicles for...
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PASSENGER-CARRYING INDUSTRY An Outspoken and Long-headed Forecast of the Position of the Passenger Road-transport Business,...
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AS A MARKET Statistics of This Great Country's Rising Imports of Commercial Chassis and Vehicles. How the Road Transport of...
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Our Bodybuilding Expert Reviews Past Progress in Body Design and Outlines Future Possible Developments, Incorporating Notes on...
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DEVELOPING A Survey of the World's Markets for Commercial Vehicles, Motor Chassis and Tractors, Showing Their Relative...
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Considered as an Industry Haulage Contracting has Always been a Part of Industrial Life: It has remained for the Motor Vehicle...
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and Abroad A BIG BRITISH BUS FLEET FOR CAIRO A Creditable British Effort. 108 Thornyerofts Ordered to Inaugurate a New...
A Virile and Hard-working Spirit Evident at the Annual General Meeting O N Monday, December 8th, the IL/Motor Hirers' and Coach...
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The Third Axle and an Auxiliary Gearbox Make 20-seater Bodywork Possible A N accompanying photograph illustrates a Ford...
The Railway Company's Offer to Take Over the Local Passenger-transport System to be Reconsidered A T its last meeting...