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T HE first paragraph under " One Hears" last week referred to some agriculturists using tractor fuel for their private cars....
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'Ware, conductors, of fakes and farthings in the black-out. Of moneymaking chances after dark for taid-drivers in the...
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GAS WEIGHT CONCESSION UNCHALLENGED IN PARLIAMENT O N Tuesday night Mr. Bernays, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of...
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T HE nature and importance of the work undertaken by the executive committee of the Standing Joint Committee of Road Hauliers'...
T HE Conference of the Liverpool and District Road Transport Employers is considering an application from the Liverpool Carters...
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O FF1C1AL figures, issued a few days ago, show that there was an increase of 2,306,000 road vehicles passing the 5,536 census...
I l\T a statement made on Tuesday, Mr. W. E. Rootes, President of the S.M.M. and T., and chairman of the important...
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modified system of street lighting will be in operation in Glasgow. This statement was made by Bailie R. Y. Gemmell, convenor...
alterna tive fuel developments. Mr. G. Mangoletsi, 4, King's Road, Sale, Cheshire, is the engineer responsible for the latest....
L ONG experienced in the production of filters and cleaners for all sorts of purposes, Yokes, Ltd., 95-105, Lower Richmond...
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O NE result of petrol rationing has 1 --/been to increase the popularity of the battery-electric, and a response to the...
S PECIALIST in the production of Licamouflage paint, Solignum, Ltd., 205, Borough High Street, London, S.E.1, is well equipped...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier R CENTLY I took the opportunity to attend a weekly meeting of a " group" as organized in...
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quip the Inexpensive Ambulance T HE demand still continues for the inexpensive type of ambulance, which may take the form of...
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tdesmen for the R.A.S.C. ARELY in the limelight, enjoying, to the public eye, less glory than that attached to the more...
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What Britain's Commercial Motor Vehicle Manufacturers are Doing to Keep the Allied Armies Supplied With their Essential...
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Easing the Black-out Burden " H ALLO, pedestrians, this is the police calling you," said a stentorian though friendly voice as...
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in the light-van class Road Test No. 292 A STEP in the progress of design is marked by the introduction of the new Commer...
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" Imp los ion " VOLLOWING an explosion there is an " implosion," or sudden depression —the aftermath, as it were, of the...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent In Parliament ALARMING ROAD CASUALTY FIGURES Q OCE more the House of Lords has...
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I T is not unusual for shock absorbers to be a standard feature of high-class ambulances, and there is, on this type of...
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Passenger Transport S.M.T. ANNOUNCES RECORD PROFITS P ROFITS of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., for the past year...
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A N interesting design for a twostroke compression-ignition engine of the swash-plate type is disclosed in patent No. 513,999...