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I F, by their investigations and reports, the Monopolies Commission succeed in letting a breath of fresh air into an industry,...
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M ANY associations, professional bodies and individuals in responsible positions have expressed great interest in the plan for...
Who's Who at the Shelter? nVVELLERS on Ditchling Common, Sussex, are shortly to have a bus shelter of their very own— or are...
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That during the Christmas season There is alwa■s an epidemic of jay-walking, That intensive shopping activities at this time...
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T 1ST 14 of transport units was L4 announced on Tuesday evenin g . It will be issued on January 18 and will contain...
Buyers' Names ISTR.6 of transport units has been another great success, 86 per cent. of the vehicles having been sold. It...
T HE movement of coal by rail for a number of years did not preclude a g rant permittin g it to be done by another mode of...
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IT was announced on Tuesday evening that the Conference of Omnibus Companies, the Municipal Passenger Transport Association,...
T WO Yorkshire bus undertakings announced this week their intention to apply for higher fares. Bradford Transport Committee,...
THE service we are getting from British Road Services is satisfactory and, since 1949, when B.R.S. took over, the volume of...
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THERE is every sign that the Government intend 1 to drive their proposals on disposal through all oppcisition from their own...
MR. J. E. BYWATER has succeeded MR. G. H. TUNNA as manager of the Ford research centre at Birmingham. Mr. Tunna has taken up...
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D ETAILS previously unknown of the ramifications of. the Dunlop Rubber Co.,. Ltd., are contained in the Report on the Supply...
T HE tyre industry could not accept the Monopolies Commission's recommendation, made by a majority of one, that resale price...
THE Court of Appeal last week clis1 missed an appeal by a 12-year-old boy against the dismissal by Mr. Justice Lynskey, at...
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L'ITHER the rates and fares must be J—d increased, or public transport would have to be abandoned altogether as a...
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D ECISION was deferred by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority on an application by' Mr. C. G. Littlewood, of Sheffield, for...
A N extension of the ferry services operated by the Continental Line and Transport Ferry Service to include Dublin in the New...
THERE was an "apparently strong I attachment by some traders in Birmingham to British Road Services," said Mr. James Barrie,...
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A FORMER Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport - told the Council for the Reduction of Taxation in London, last...
1 - 1 A WARNING that he would not hesitate to take strong action against operators who infringed their licence conditions, was...
PA A SUB-COMMITTEE was appointed last week by the Heavy Haulage and Machinery Carriers' Group of the Road Haulage Association...
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INFORMATION about special vans 'used to carry cars by rail was given before the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority last week....
T.G.B. Motors, Ltd., have opened a new works and main repair Centre at Clithcroe. Underground buses are to be tried in place...
THE West Midland Licensing Authority last week reserved decision on an application which Mr. R. A. Webb, objecting for BriAsh...
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to Chesterfield Corporation last week—the sum spent on divertin g buses when a lorry towin g a trailer and excavator broke down...
A LL shorta g es of spare parts for current Austin models were to be eliminated by December 31, Mr. C. H. Rowley, deputy g...
THERE will be no Scottish Show next I year. The g eneral committee of the Scottish Motor Trade Association decided last week...
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R ECENT patents taken out by Harry Ferguson Research, Ltd., Abbotswood, Stow-on-the-Wold, Gins, reveal what may prove to be the...
E RRATIC idling and continuous sail nig of a petrol engine in traffic may be due to the building up of ice On the throttle...
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Monopolies Commission Oppose, by a Majority, • Resale Price Maintenance C OMMON prices for tyres, fixed within the Tyre...
CIMULTANEOUSLY with the publica tion of the •Mcirtopolies Commission's Report last Friday. the Tyre Manufacturers' Conference...
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A CTLIATED by a single double-acting horizontally located ram, the medium-type link gear recently introduced by Telehoist,....
A NEW mobile crane, Type .KL33, has been added to the range produced by K. and L. Stcelfounders and Engineers, Ltd.,...
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M AJOR F. S. EASTWOOD, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, is playfully being described as the Gilbert Harding of road...
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Government Policy Unsuited to Current Problems : Fare Control Now Unnecessary T . HE public toad passenger trans port...
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Accusation of Failure to Achieve - Co-ordination Among Free Hauliers: 1953 Act Deplored: "Laissez-faire" Rail Policy A CHARGE...
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A LLEGED lack of introspection on the part of manufacturers is apparently blamed by the Minister of Transport for his proposal...
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11 T H G ROSS train weights of 85 tons and above are becoming fairly commonplace on British roads. but: the performance of...
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Feather-bedded Goods Operators VOI.JR second leader inthe December .2 issue of The I Commercial Motor describes as outrageous...
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C URRENT prices being asked by two Lancashire dealers for vehicles with special A licences are revealed in a printed circular...
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F OLLOWING on the pay -rise to 1 platform staff, labourers and •semiskilled maintenance workers - employed • by municipal...
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Publicity and Press and Direct-mail Advertising Can Keep an Operator's Name in Customer? Minds : When to Canvas for Additional...
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Subsidiary Opens Modern Depot at Dunstable : New Two-acre Depot Being Built in Manchester . NEW depot, specially designed for...
" IN no other case in the North I-. western Area has any operator, because of war difficulties, taken so long to rehabilitate...
ppp EGISTRATION of new vehicles, IX other than cars and motorcycles, in September, showed a steep rise as corn; pared with...