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Our hopes that this, series would prove Of value have been fully confirmed by our readers' letters, and the data obtained in...
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S OME remarkable figures concerning the public roads of Great Britain were given by Mr. P. J. Pybus at the recent dinner of...
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Of the press gang at work for the railway s. That the steel industry had banked on a 25 per cent.' duty. That KeighIey's...
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"The wheels of wealth will' be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Great Western Railway Co. is building a motor-service station at Paddiegton and a garage at Wolverhampton. Vincents of...
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The Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.2, has now published in pamphlet form the Howard Lectures,...
BOOTLE Corporation is recommended to buy an ambulance at an estimated cost of £415. The cleansing committee of 13Lnc - 1cpool,...
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CONVERSIONS Some Particulars of the Interesting Methods Employed by the Stobcross Motor Co., Ltd., in Replacing Petrol Engines...
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How a Concern Distributing Provisions and Groceries Overcame Certain Difficulties by Substituting Two 2-ton Vans for a Single...
flUR new Manual, entitled " Compression Ignition Engines for Road Vehicles," by the Editor of the "Commercial Motor," is...
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OVERSEAS Passenger Vehicles for Service Abroad Must Often Embody Special Facilities for Ventilation, Carrying Goods and Mails,...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Passenger Transport Bill: No Statement. 1% i - R. BALDWIN, as...
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The Present Licensing System a Failure. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL Mown. [3659] Sir,—I have read with much interest your...
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A Striking Demonstration of the Michelin-equipped 24-seater Car on the L.M.S. Line TN recent months we have made _L several...
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' URING the quarter of a century or more which has been occupied by theWevelopment of the modern motor vehiclefpractically all...
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T IIOSE operating fleets which include Morris light vans or other Morris vehicles equipped with the corkinsert type of clutch,...
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Observations by the Minister of Transport on the Points Raised by the Deputation from the Standing Joint Committee of...
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Elementary Mechanical Principle Employed in Promising Attempt to Provide Practical Headlamp Deflector S 0 many devices have...
Interesting Delahaye Vehicles to be Manned by Young French Soldiers T "present motor fleet of the Paris ilapeurs-Pompiers...
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An "Observation" Strip Above ihe Driver's Compartment a Feature of the Latest Type of Van with which the Authorities are...
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HAULIER and CARRIER T HERE is one more clause to be dealt with before I have finished outlining the conditions which the...
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I N the past two or three years orthodox chassis converted into rigid six-wheelers with drive to only one axle have been...
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A Feature Which Haulicrs will Find Helpful in Estimating and Anticipating Chances for Obtaining Contracts C21 ENERALLY...
Review of the German Industry T' ■ Department of Overseas Trade has recently issued a report on economic conditions in...
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Southern Scotland. THIS week's gazette gives full details, occupying 15 pages, of applications to be heard at the forthcoming...
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Appeal Against Nine-year-old Service. A REPRESENTATIVE of the Ministitry of Transport recently heard in Birmingham an appeal...
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Operators Last to Institute Services Generally Regarded as Intruders A STATEMENT occupying 15 pages 21. of foolscap has been...
OME enlightening facts concerning Isithe difficulties of organizing traffic were revealed in a paper entitled "City Traffic...
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A .1R6sum of Recently Published Patent Specifications A N arrangement of spring suspension for six-wheelers is described in...