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T HE present tendency in design, and one which is likely to continue for a considerable period in order to promote production,...
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S YMPATHY must be accorded to the thousands of people throughout the country who have to wait in long queues, and often for...
Some Previous-war FROM a somewhat unex Leylands that Never . pected sourceâ" Motor Die Sport "âcomes a note that Waring...
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Of batteries specially designed to save distilled water Of the Socialist graceâThank the Government for our daily BUs. That...
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XPERIMENTS are being made by Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., Leeds, in the application of an oil pump to the rear axle. This development...
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to coPi. operate in the prevention of dazzle, was made on Monday by the Ministry of Transport. The Road Research Board has...
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SiR STEWART DUKE-ELDER, K.C.V.O., F.R.C.S., surgeon oculist to the King and holder of many other important appointments, has...
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HAULIERS' CAPACITY-INCREASE PROBLEM A N important principle arose in a case before the East Midland Licensing Authority for...
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London was outlined by Lord Latham, chief of the London Transport Executive, on Monday. Stage 1 is to replace worn-out buses,...
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Capt. G. T. Smith-Clarke Outlines Early Developments in Vehicle Design and Describes Some of his Experiences Since 1905 F...
1946. It went to Denmark. Total production of commercial vehicles, home and export, was 146,120, compared with 103,849 in 1938....
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UERIES BUILDING A FLEET FOR TIMBER HAULAGE WAVING been a regular reader of your journal for "some 20 years, and noticing the...
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IN a paper entitled "Porous Chrome 1 Hardening of Diesel Cylinders,'.' which was read in London to the Diesel Engine Users...
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, ONTINUES T HE increasing employment of aluminium alloys in commercial bodybuilding has been mentioned frequently in these...
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New Equipment Provides IS Oscillograph Traces Side by Side H IGH-SPEED mechanical or electrical variations can be translated...
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Valuable Pool of Competent Personnel of all Grades for the Commercial vehicle Industry O NE of the major problems facing the...
Long View of LABOUR PROBLEMS up to the age of 16 years are put into trade apprentice training to enable them to become...
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a Vibration Damper T HE study of shock-absorber design' over a period of years has had as its chief object the elimination of...
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T HE time is rapidly approaching when Public authorities will be inviting tenders for haulage. In this connection, I had a...
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"Good," I said, "with petrol at 2s. lid: a gallon that is 2.55d. per mile. For oil," I said, "1 will take 1/10d. per mile, or...
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AODERN tankers usually have their IV/ tank made of light steel or aluminium alloy, supported by a number of strapped or welded...