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People have been asking, fer upwards of a year, " What is to he the new type of motorbus forLondon?" Designers and...
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At the meeting of the Westminster City Council on Thursday fast, the Highways Committee reported that in July 1907 it...
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We referred, in our last issue, to the electric taxicabwhich has been prf.)duced by The Electromobile Company, 1_1:Tilted, of...
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Self-propelled Vehicles in the Service of German Fire Brigades. By the courtesy of Herr Reichel, corn,mander of the Berlin...
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Sutton (Surrey) Chamber of Commerce has appointed a special committee to consider the desirability of establishing a road motor...
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This journal has an exclusive, genuine and maintained circulation: members of its Editorial staff hays practical experience and...
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I met Mr. Atkcy, of the Atki...yGimsen lorry, at the Motor Club recently, and was interested to hear that fie,finds business...
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At the Home Office en Tuesday, the Home Secretary (Mr. Herbert (lad stone) received a deputation, headed by -the Lord Mayor of...
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A Remarkable Automobile Fire Pump, which has been Designed throughout in the Workshops of the Tottenham Urban District...
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The Largest Storag Tankfor Fuel Oil. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—We note, by the correspondence columns in...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....
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TUBE CLEANERS.—Kitchen.—No. 6,814, dated 27th March, 1908.—This apparatus consists of a casing (3) having a spiral guide-way...