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A LTHOUGH certain doubts have been dispelled by the publication of the Road and Rail Traffic Bill and the, regrettably few,...
I T is to be feared that the road-haulage industry is not sufficiently cognizant of the possible dangers contained in Clauses 8...
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S OIVIE of the foreign railways are in a far worse state than those in Britain, and without the excuse of road competition. As...
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That there are 80-year-old cabdrivers on the London streets. That this says much for the healthiness of the occupation That It...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads ooer which it...
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M.T.T.A. Blackpool Conference, The headquarters of the Municipal Tr-runways and Transport Association Conference will be the...
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Youx Watch Committee has decided to purchase a new fire-engine. Cann= Corporation is buying an ambulance from W. Lewis and...
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ril - HE consensus of opinion respecting the annual conk. ference at Leeds of the Tramways Light Railways and Transport...
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THE LATEST T HE Lightweight single-geared chain-driven machine, with two-cylindered double-acting engine, gave a favourable...
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SENTINEL STEAMER than chain drive, the rear axle being a light but strong unit. Also there is a lighter cab, this having a...
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A Lament at the Apathy of Road Transport Operators. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. • 1 . 40941 Sir,—I was pleased to see,...
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New Bedford Delivery Van M ORE and more importance is being attached to the publicity value of the light delivery van, and...
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A PART from its ordinary spheres of employment, the commercial chassis is sometimes turned to account for unusual purposes, but...
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Plying for Hire ? T HE authorities on the question of what constitutes plying for hire are somewhat numerous, and it may be...
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By Charles Rudy R ECENTLY, a representative of the Booking Agents Association of Great Britain appeared, in,pemon, at a sitting...
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The New Trojan Van 4 S briefly announced in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor, Trojan, Ltd., Vicarage Road Works,...
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I N OUR issue for last week we published a forecast of the municipal vehicles and appliances taking part in the 35th annual...
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I N his paper on the collection of house and trade refuse Mr. Us Ardern, director of public cleansing, Blackpool, deals with...
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Big Bus Company Plans Joint Air Service Across Humber. The Commercial Motor understands that a scheme for the operation of an...
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V EHICLE operators throughout the country are showing an increasing practical interest in the oil engine, and many conversions...
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frIWO new items of equipment of j_ interest to coachbuilders and passenger-vehicle operators have been introduced by Quicktho...
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Electric Refuse Collectors and New Destructor Features of Kentish Borough's Cleansing System T EE industries of Maidstone,...
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Haulage Business R ECENT news confirms the statements reiterated in these columns, during the past few weeks, that the trade...
Two new improi7ed hack-saw frames have been added to the range of Eclipse frames made by Junes Neill and Co. (Sheffield). Ltd.,...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I , T appears to take a considerable amount of paper, Ilen and ink to record a conversation lasting for...
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TN Patent No. 391,890, by J. G, 1.8mitlison, Oakdale, Alnechurch, Worcestershire, it is shown that in trolley. buses, where...