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R AILWAYS would almost certainly n o t have been built here or even given serious consideration if road transport had, at the...
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Air operated Robot MECHANICAL handling Hand to Remove i" has been taken a step Pressings farther by Nuffield Metal Products,...
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That some oils are a Joy. That " zebras help pedestrians from playing the ass That son - le London taxi-cabbies have felt...
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WHEN over 100 members and ex-members of the haulage industry " met in Newcastle-on-Tyne last week, they passed resolutions...
INCREASED use of cars, brought I about by the abolition of petrol rationing, is expected to reduce the British Transport...
• DROTESTS against the imposition by P RO Government of the additional tax on petrol, and purchase tax on commercial vehicles....
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T HE output of commercial vehicles in Britain for April avera g ed about 5.100 weekly. Of these, • 10,800 were exported durin g...
r t vER 50 private bus operators, meetin g at Newcastle upon Tyne on Monday, under the auspices of the Independent Bus...
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MR. G. L. WAREHAM has been appointed publicity manager of Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., Luton. SIR CYRIL HURCOMB, chairman of...
DRESSURE is to be maintained in an attempt to persuade Mr. Hector McNeil, Secretary for Scotland, to receive a deputation from...
1 "1-IE first two Lines luxury coaches I (originally known as the Crellin Duplex) to be purchased by an operator, were...
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T HE new Dunlop Research Centre, which was opened last week, will serve the 25 Dunlop factories in Great Britain and the 16...
The three-wheel-drive Brush can haul a icrad of 8 tons. The annual general meeting of the British Standards Institution will...
I during which the directors of F. Perkins, Ltd., were "at home" to a large number of their friends in the industry and...
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" cXPERTS state that serious deterioration of British roads has already started," said Lord Sandhurst, chairman of the British...
MEGOT1ATIONS were to be coa1 tinned this week on an application by, the Transport and General Workers' Union to the National...
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Speaker at Institute of Public Cleansing Conference Complains that Some Vehicles are Too Complicated : Another W antsbnprol'ed...
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Out of Handling I NDUSTR1AL equipment hag' of recent years shown a tendency to grow heavy and bulky to a degree which causes...
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Differences in Local Conditions Give Rise to Particular Problems for Cleansing Engineers in Two Towns, Industrial Districts...
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E VERY year the highways department of Ohio. U.S.A., has to paint about 10,500 miles of white centre lines and yellow...
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An Unproductive Overhead T WENTY-FIVE per cent. of manhours were spent in handling matenials, at a cost of at least...
WHILST the closest attention might VV be paid to the purchase of materials in the cheapest markets, time and motion studies,...
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YOUR leading article "Chancellor Gives Conductors 1 the Whip Hand" in the issue of "The Commercial Motor," dated May 19, is...
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Variations in Conditions Make This a Difficult -Task, But Our Costs Expert Gives Approximate Figures for a 2-ton Vehicle A N...
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With Hydraulic Steering 'TO make all wheels of a semi-trailer J. outOt partake of the steering movement, is the aim of a scheme...