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T HE whole object of rationing fuel for motor vehicles is officially stated to be to lower the consumption, thereby conserving...
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Vehicles Which Leave THE shortage of rubber in Their Tyres In Germany must certainly be Germany severe, although possibly,...
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That Pool petrol does cause trouble, by gum That the survival of the fittest is usually better than the survival of the...
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MISTAKE IN DRAFTING OF R.H.2 REGULATIONS I N paragraph 5 (b) of R.H.2, in which are set out the basic rates of wages to be...
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expessing dissatisC't faction with the attitude of Sir Richard Redmayne, the independent chairman of the Road Haulage Central...
- r HE Justiciary Appeal Court, Edin burgh,on March 8, allowed an appeal by Mr. Samuel Mackie, contractor, 19, Mount Pleasant,...
T HE French Minister of Public Works is encouraging the use of producergas plant on commercial vehicles in France, and there...
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in the operation of a producer-gas plant is that the system should be absolutely air-tight. Any leak,s interfere with the...
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The Henley's Tyre Guard Which Protects Twin Tyres From Damage By Bodies Wedged Between Them TWIN tyres, as every operator...
Lincoln Outfit Comprising Engine, Dynamo, Etc., Specifically Designed for the Repairer A LMOST every day welding plays a more...
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A LTHOUGH the advantages of weight reduction in road vehicles are generally recognized, the substitution of light alloys for...
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- 3TS AND FANCIES A WELL-KNOWN engineer, with whom we have been acquainted for many years, has been experimenting for some time...
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Solving a Problem Which Puzzles Many Operators, But, to Which There Is a Number of Solutions Meriting Con sideration T HIS...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent PETROL RATIONING ENDANGERS FOOD DISTRIBUTION I N the House of...
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The Enness Plant, Which is Being Installed by Hamilton Motors (London) Ltd. on Lorries and Trailers T HERE is great activity,...
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T HE employers' side of the Yorkshire Road Haulage Area Wages Board, meeting in Leeds on March 7, unanimously decided to resign...
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and QUERIES NO SHORTAGE OF PETROL FOR RAILWAY ROAD TRANSPORT VOU are to be congratulated on your leader headed 1 " Wanton...
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Aspects of PASSENGER TRANSPORT BUSES PREFERRED TO STEAMERS T AVELLERS between Glasgow and C ampbeltown, Kintyre, which is on...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications T HERE are many types of oil which, although normally useless for engine...