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A DOZEN times during the past few days we have been asked for a personal opinion upon the future prospects for coal-gas by men...
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That the electric holds the road well. That nothing's broken if you've got the pieces. That the volumetric efficiency of a...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed,by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as.a ciaTiage is by the...
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The present time is undoubtedly the time to formulate schemes, as tentative as they may possibly be, for increased postwar...
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Control and the Escape from It. Obsolete Speed Limits. A s OUR NATIONAL circumstances and, indeed, those of' all belligerent...
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The Value of Petrol, Steam and Electric Vehicles for the Divergent Needs of Local Authorities. A LTHOUGH MUNICIPAL...
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The Value of Female Labour for Increasing Machinery Output. W HEN, AT THE BEGINNING of the war, the experiment was tried of...
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T HE RESTRICTION UPON the use of coal-gas as a motor fuel has been responsible for a revival of interest in the possibilities...
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Why Home-Production Must be Developed. The fuel problem is the one real problem confronting the great motor industry ; beside...
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Recent Developments, Improvements, Hints and Wrinkles. Waste Gases for Motor Vehicles. As it is generally recognized to be...
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A Motor Cultivator for Market Gardeners. Someone recently, with insufficient knowledge, remarked that the horse would never be...
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By "The Extractor." No Inaccuracy. It occurs to me that my note in the issue of 2nd May anent tank gearboxes may probably be...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Leiters should be on one side of...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the render of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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A New Two-stroke Engine, P. W. Montgomery, in specification No. 105,752, describes a construction of two-stroke engine the...