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H OW to transform into keenness the present widespread *apathetic attitude towards duties of all kinds is a problem that faces...
Will the Dutch Get qPEAKINGWith a man who Their Stolen Buses "-'recently returned from Back ? Holland, we were told that...
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That without the tractor farmers could not "speed the plough" sufficiently to catch up on this spring's work. That it is...
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• MORE CONCESSIONS TO HAULAGE WORKERS rURTHER concessions to road haulage workers are contained in an announcement made on...
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Central London VOLLOWING recommendations by 1 the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee, the Minister of...
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MR. E. J. BATCHELOR has been appointed assistant managing director of Brush Coachwork, Ltd. MAJOR ARCHIBALD DANGERFIELD,...
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D ECISION was reserved when Mr. L./Trevor Morgan, KC., South Wales Licensing Authority, heard an application last week for the...
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wheatfields to the elevators before the autumn rains came was a problem that faced Canadian farmers for many years. By the old...
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T HIS week I propose to deal with the haulage of coal for industrial use. I am considering it insofar as it applies to the...
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tradition as the furniture-removal trade, which, since the coming of the motor vehicle, has rapidly developed into a highly...
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Asks Our Legal Adviser W ITH Third Reading behind them, the Commons can wash their hands of the Transport Bill for some little...
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C ONSIDERED from every aspect, the Eastbourne Conference of the Public Transport Association was one of the most successful it...
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QIMPLIC1TY and economy in operation are two of the most important factors in the design of public-cleansing vehicles, said Mr....
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Variety of - Interesting Questions Raised in Three Appeals Heard Last Week. One Case Sent Back for Rehearing B Y a High Court...
Conservative Party's Industrial Programme, Announced This Week, Stands for Free Enterprise, Subject to Essential Central...
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By A, W. HAIGH, A. MI. Mech.E. W HEN a transmission designer is given the job of producing a gearbox for a new chassis, he...
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T HE largest State in India, Hyderabad, has an area about the same as that of Great Britain and a population of nearly...
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SERIOUS LOSSES OF STAFF BY. YORKSHIRE OPERATORS B US drivers and conductors who are attracted by the five-day week in...
Q NE of the grounds on which Messrs. \--/Jones Bros. Aberbeeg, based an application to Mr. Trevor Morgan, K.C., South Wales...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications A COMBUSTION chamber for oil rt engines, claimed to give good results in...