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LONG-DISTANCE travel by bus or by coach, of the saloon type, is developing to an extent that would surprise anyone who had not...
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"If coal permits." That six-wheeled is forearmed. Of 50 m.p.h. by 2-ton chassis on test. Of Russian kerosene getting...
" What I want," said the would-be buyer, "Is a chassis that'll take the type of body most serviceable for the time of year."...
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"The wheels of wealdh will be slowed by all dioicalties of transport at whatever . poirtis arising, as a carriage is by the...
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First Published Details of an Interesting Vehicle, the Body of which is Mainly Constructed of Duralumin and Aluminium. Q...
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The Motor Vehicles Bill. The Uncertainty About the Two-seater Cabs. The Gravesend-Tilbury Ferry Services. Petrol Pump...
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Tendencies in Design and Equipment Must be Studied Because the Luxury Bus of To-day May Become the Normal Type To-morrow....
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First Details of the Latest Tylor Tiger, an Efficient Power Unit for Heavy Haulage and Fast Passenger Work. T EDI NUMBER of...
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T 11 authorities of the Federal State and other railways in Switzerland are becoming alarmed with regard to the way in which...
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A Summary of an Important and Informative Paper by Lord Ashfield. F OR several weeks past we have been in possession of a copy...
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O NLY 10 months had elapsed from the time our representative had attended the Berlin Show of 1925 to the time when he again set...
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The Views of a Prominent Oil Expert on a Recent Series of Articles on Lubrication Published in "The Commercial Motor." By H....
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.O NE of the most important points in maintaining a ā€˛vehicle in good condition is to prevent overloading, and, with this object...
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THE invention of Mr. Constantinesco which during the last year or two has attracted so much interest in engineering circles...
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Some Observations Extracted from the Report of a Leeds and Bradford Committee. "DOINTS of considerable interest to the...
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Further Considerations of Records for Small Bus Companies. I N the first instalment, published in the issue of The eommereial...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE BUS COMPETITION. The Ministry of Transport...
A Brief Account of an Experimental Trip of Some 2,800 Miles Undertaken in the United States. T ONG-DISTANCE sight-seeing tour...
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Licensing Controversy Which is Shortly to be the Subject of an Inquiry by the Ministry of Transport. A MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT...
F OR_ reasons which are quite obvious the battery electric vehicle has won considerable recognition in municipal circles, and...
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An Effort to Revive Memories and to Bring Home, by Contrast, the Development of Transport. T EW Lord Mayor's Show in London is...
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Recounting the Main Features of a Journey from Cordoba to Buenos Aires. W E are at all times interested to learn of the...
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Useful Contributions From Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Removing Bushes and Shafts. F ROM Norwich " J.W.T." sends us some...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. A SIMPLE and apparently efficient design of a radiator for commercial...