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deny the road transport industry's disappointment over the King's Speech. So much hope had been founded on a change of...
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W ITH the considerable reduction in the V V number of pedestrian crossings, the permanent and improved markings which have made...
being the first tourist coach to use the rough shale track between Austria and Yugoslavia, involving climbing the 4,250-ft....
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T RADE and industry would be foolish to imagine that danger had - necessarily passed with the General Election, said Col. A....
I T is understood that negotiations for the sale to the British Transport Commission of the half-interest in Highland...
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S TtEL conservation committees in the United Kin g dom should consider a g ain the properties of lower alloycontent steels, and...
has been appointed commercial director of the Regent Oil Co., Ltd. He was previously business manager.
THORNTON have been elected to the board of Hooper and Co. (Coachbuilders), Ltd. MR. A. G. FIRM1N, director and g eneral mana g...
secretary responsiblefor transport (as distinct from civil aviatio n ) to the Minister of Transport.
White Services, Ltd., is to become mana g in g director of Kenya Bus Services, Ltd., a company in which the United Transport...
is visitin g the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East to review the transport-e q uipment market and appoint a g ents. He...
post of commercial overseas mana g er of Trico-Folberth, Ltd.. He has been export mana g er since 1946. MR, R. M. Vara DYCK,...
WE re g ret to record the deaths of IT MR. C. L. BREEDEN, MR, A. SINCLAIR and MR. P. BLYTHE.. Mr. Breeden was chairman and...
rrHE Eul g or musical horn, made in .I. France, is now bein g distributed in this country by Marchal Distributors, Ltd., Great...
INLESS there is an immediate improvement in the labour position, services at peak periods will have to be restricted....
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C ONTINUING the British Transport Commission's case before the Transport Tribunal, last week, for the revision of passenger...
A COMBINED sun visor and roof canopy has been introduced by Leyland Motors, Ltd., for fitting to the cabs of heavy-duty...
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• A RESOLUTION that every person .1 — IL undertaking tuition as a bus driver should be requested to give an assurance that if...
Proceedings of the East Midlands Transport Users' Consultative Committee are to be open to the Press. The Midland service...
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T HE Industrial Court has given its decision in the care of the claim for higher pay for maintenance and repair grades employed...
A TOTAL of 375 A.E.C. Regent In. Mark II chassis has recently been ordered by London Transport; 4,740 have been ordered since...
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A SMALL 25-seater oil-engined bus with full forward control and a door in front of the axle adjacent to the driver, is being...
B USES seemed to be preferred by troops for convenience in leave travel. If there were adequate bus services, more soldiers...
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Political Commentary By JANUS A FTER Guy Fawkes night, the reference to road haulage in the King's Speech was rather a damp...
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F EWER light commercial vehicles, but noteworthy improvements in those that remain, distinguish this year's Cycle and Motor...
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By D. G. STOKES, General Sales Manager, Leyland Motors, Ltd. e Strong American InfluSouth America is Buying Buses in Large...
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Opinions and Queries WE specialize in the removal of deposits from all " internal surfaces, including gas and water mains,...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T. E. Unit Construction Reduces Weight, Increases Strength and Greatly Facilitates Repair After...
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A FLEET of 250 International Bus-master buses was used this year on the pilgrinAge to Mecca to carry • the " hadjis" from the...
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B. PALMER, T HE practice of selling nothing for something, in the haulage industry, is doing as well as might be expected....
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T o check weighbridges, of which there are about 600 in the county of London, London County Council has developed a set of...
DASSENGER comfort has been I specially studied in the design of a new Daimler double-decker recently placed in service by...
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Three-wheeler W EIGHING only 420 lb. without fuel and oil, and powered by a 250 c.c. four-stroke air-cooled single-cylindered...
A SUGGESTION that the Atnulree tI report was out of date and in need of revision was made in the report of Mr. W. Tudor Davies...
B EFORE the German invasion, Holland had 4,500 buses, but immediately after the war the number was 508. By July 1 this year the...
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Authoritative Comment on the Highway Problem by Bucks County Surveyor T HE road vehicle was the ideal medium for journeys of...
Scotland Yard Officer Explains Causes of Congestion and Outlines Attempted Remedies P ARKED private cars, contract carriages...
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T HERE has lately been a recrudescence of the question: "What is the annual mileage below which it . . would not pay to run an...
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A Ninjection pump having several novel features is shown in patent No. 657,759 (I. Retel, Seine, France). In the scheme...