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W E confess to having taken the new torque . converter of Mr. ConstantineSco at a safe and slow speed. At first, and before we...
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T HERE is an astonishing variety in the suggestions made by vehicle owners and users and by drivers and others with knowledge...
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Of a boom in motor sawn mowers. That a 24-in, motor mower working for a day is equal in capacity to 15 gardener-days. Of...
"Do away with the twel'-mile limit ? " said Jinks. "Well, I 'ope they don't. W'y, we'd be as badly oil as•the shuvvers then."...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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An Astonishing and -Commendable Performance on the Part of a Wellknown 5-51-ton Commercial Motor Vehicle. TN THE course of a...
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First Published Details of the New Citroen Taxicab which is Built Especially for the English Market. ✓hURING the past few...
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A T THE invitation of the British . Petroleum Co., Ltd., we were present last week at a private inspection of their new...
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A Further Attempt to Explain an Invention Based Upon the Application of Obscure Mechanical Principles. W E HAVE followed up...
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ANY USERS and potential users of light delivery vehicles will be interested to learn details of the new Westear 10-cwt....
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How the Magnitude of the Load Affects the Engine and Chassis. I N ALL classes of haulage work there are bound to be...
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I N OUR recent article dealing with some of those problems in coach .design which require solution in order to promote the...
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Capacity Has Been Shown to be of Great Importance in Radio Receivers. Desirable and Undesirable Capacity are Discussed Here....
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The First Practical Demonstration of the Motorailer Wheel-conversion Device. AT THE invitation of the Motorailcr Transport...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. BALANCING UP. Plenty of Traffic, but Poor Fares, Outstanding...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver, and Repairer. I N THIS series of...
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Brief Details of the Two Forms of Appliance. ,A T last there seems a possibility of a " uniform system being adopted, in the...
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In this Contribution a Proposal to Substitute a Fleet of One-tonners for a Mixed Fleet is Considered and Advice is Given Upon...
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How New Housing Colonies Havel Encouraged Itinerant Traders. S INCE housing colonies have sprung up in the environs of all...
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The Editor invites correspo)uience on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. CONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this page from...
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Further Helpful Contributions From Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. A MANCHESTER correspondent, " A.E.," to whom we are this...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patents. THE APPLICATION of the piinciple of the swash-plate to the internal-combustion engine...