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A.R.O. Council Will Endeavour to Consummate Merger at Earliest Moment. A Poll to be Taken T HE hitherto obscure and...
rtURING the past few days details of many L./ accidents which cannot be classed as of am unavoidable nature have been bronght...
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An Interesting Lantern A USEFUL service to farmers Lecture for AgriculI -1 11as been instituted by the turists Ford concern....
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That the dictators are now Hitler, Mussolini—and the railways. That Johannesburg's Sunbeam-B.T.H. trolleybuses are expected...
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MERGER NEGOTIATIONS TO BE CONTINUED. At an extraordinary general meeting of Associated Road Operators held at Birmingham on...
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A PROTEST has been made to the Ministry of Transport by the Yorkshire Area of Associated Road Operators concerning the...
on Cable Transport T HE carriage of cables between the British Insulated Cable works at Present and London, formed the subject...
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Because he had already entered " dinner' liour 1 p.m. to 2 p.m." on his driving record, when he was stopped at 12.40 p.m., a...
A PROTEST against the inConsistency of the railway attitude was made by Mr. Ian Macaulay, appearing for an applicant before the...
T HE results of test loads sent by rail were given by an applicant before the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority at...
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When Mr. G. Nelson, builders' merchant and carrier, of 6, Church Road, Great Crosby, applied, at Liverpool, for the renewal of...
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W E learn that Leyland Motors, Ltd., Ham Works, Kingston, Surrey, is interesting itself in a design of chassis in which the...
A LTHOUGH there was a fall of riseveral thousand in the total of new vehicle registrations for August, 1936, this year's figure...
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The Timeis Rapidly Ap , proaching When Hauliers Must Give Considered Thought to the Revision of Some of their Methods if they...
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ME - FORD SHOW' SPLENDID opportunity for pi road-transport operators to inspect the full range of Fordson commercial vehicles...
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and Conditions T HE Committee of Inquiry appointed by the Ministers Of Labour `and Transport to examine the position regarding...
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S PECIALIST in the development and manufacture of trailers for particular purposes, J. Rrockhouse and Co., Ltd., West...
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and QUERIES The Editor invites correspsndence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be...
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Striking Appearance of Passenger Vehicles Among Most Outstanding Features, No Major Developments of a Mechanical Nature, but...
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5 - 1-8-TON OILER Zaises Class Standards With an 81-ton Gross Load, this inexpensive High-class Maximum-load Four-wheeler...
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An Easily Installed Fourcylindered Unit Delivering at a Steady Pressure and Equipped with an Efficient Relief Valve R EQUIRING...
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A Repij by an Enthul. siast to the interesting Criticisms of our French Correspondent A LTHOUGH I cannot say, as your...
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Outfit in Harness Promising Results Obtained from an Articulated Machine on Trial by a Railway Company at Birmingham WE...
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'THE Northern Area Traffic Commis1 sioners continued, last week, the inquiry into the 'application of the L.N.E. Railway Co,...
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QTOKE-ON-TRENT City Council is determined to set up a North Stafferdshire Passenger Transport Board if it can possibly obtain...
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.THE proposal to institute oil-engined I bus services in Bristol in place of the tramcars was criticized by Mr. G. H. Barnard,...
The Rytecraft Scoota-truck is a Replica of a Lorry, Carries 5-cwt. Loads and is Capable of 40 m.p.h. T HE little Rytecraft...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published P ATENT No. 453,287 bears the name of one of the pioneers...