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Our Register of Delivery Dates. We included the establishment and working of a " Register of delivery dates " in our programme...
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[Extracts from this journal of the 17th September, 1914.1 " The existence of A Three-ton Crisis' in the British...
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The totlowing Rumours, of which the Press Bureau has no Confirmation, but to the Publication of which, we imagine, it will take...
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Risks Run by the A.S.C., M.T. Some Warm Work with the Artillery. Reliability of Packards. Drivers as Road-makers. Certain of...
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A Well-known Machine Improved in Detail, and with its Capacity Increased so as to Accommodate a Gross Load of Five Tons. Our...
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One of the difficulties which confront the designer of commercial vehicles is undoubtedly that of adequately caring for the...
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national...
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Initial Communications from Manufacturers. Detailed Lists are Kept and Revised from Week to Week by the Editor. Interest in...
Albion. " The War Department is agreeable to release approximately 25 per cent, of our weekly output of three-ton lorries, on...
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By a Country Housewife. Some few months ago I described in the pages of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR how our little household, set in...
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An American Machine Incorporating Several Unusual Features. In the Dixie magneto we have a high tension ignition machine which...
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£420 a Month Still Required. We do not give any lists yet for the 1915-1916 session of the Fund. They are in hand, and growing...
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A Comprehensive Range; American Origin; Familiar Components Embodied. The Bessemer Motor Co., of I, .Albemarle Street,...
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The Following Extract is from the American "" Mr. McCulla is Now in this Country. NEW YORK, 22nd June.—Wm. R....
We Offer 10s. for the Best Explanation. We reproduce herewith several photographs of a solid-rubber tire which bears distinct...
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It behoves British users, at the present time, when they are being offered American .chassis in such numbers substitutes for...
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Wants a Five-tonner for 250 Miles of Work a Week. [2742] (Lanes.).—Our free sheet of costa (mailed direct) may be a guide to...
Detached Units. Will the 0.C.s of A.S.C., M.T., detachments or separate units, which are not classified with Columns, Parks or...
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Tractor Clutch Mechanism. Improved Transmission Gearing. Another Carburetter. Tubular Wheel Construction. Copies at complete...