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T 'HE .. reverberations from the thunder clap of the Salter Conference Report are still rolling around the industry and, if...
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the loss involved in laying up a machine for a day or two, on account of some derangement, the result of fair wear and tear and...
T E recent announcement that the price of petrol of all grades has been raised by 3d. per gallon will come as a serious...
T EE Gardner-engined Bentley car run by Mr. Hugh Gardner has now done over 1,5,000 miles and gives no trouble whatever. It...
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That some way must be devised of putting the true situation before the general public. That the British public is essentially...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Deptford Speed Limit Withdrawn. Deptford Highways Committee reports that under the provisions of section 122 of the Road...
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BALLYMENA Council has decided to buy a fire-engine. LYDNEY Council is to buy a fireengine eosting £765. Dnorrwtco Corporation...
TTSERS of Deneis street-washing machines for many years, the cleansing authorities of the Borough of Holborn have recently...
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A PRACTICAL REFUSE COLLECTOR 0 UR report this week concerns a municipal vehicle complete with a special form of bodywork. We...
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T HAT petrol consumption, as an item of fleet maintenance, is of paramount importance, is too well known to warrant comment....
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T HE Karrivan Major three-wheeled delivery van, made by the Stepney Carrier Co., Ltd., 11, Smart's Buildings, High Holborn,...
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A DEPUTATION from the Irish Motor Haulage Association, which has its head office at 4, Grafton Street, Dublin, recently waited...
SEVERAL references have appeared recently in this paper to vehicles, tractors and trailers ordered by the Iraq Petroleum Co.,...
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A LTHOUGH the storage battery is now such a common object on account of its usefulness, few people realize the care and...
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.C ARRIMORE SIX WHEELERS, LTD., London, N.12, has completed a 30-ton six-wheeled trailer to the order of W. and G. French,...
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Conference that railway companies should be released from their obligation to publish rates charged in connection with their...
D 1.111ING the recent annual conference at Birmingham of Municipal Tramways and Transport Managers, the delegates attended an...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3857] Sir,—Without wishing at this juncture to criticize in detail the proposals of the...
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the development of the oil engine, a visit to the Barton Hall Engine Works of Norris, Henty and Gardners, Ltd., at Patricroft,...
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T HE four-wheeled bus chassis designed for a double-deck body has a wheelbase of about 16 ft. 6 ins, and a body space behind...
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S EVERAL interesting products figure in a large order which Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Watford, has recently completed for the...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT COMPLETELY NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR PARIS TRANSPORT T HE future of public surface transport in Paris has been...
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M.H.C.S.A. PRESSES FOR APPEAL ADJOURNMENT. LAST Monday, the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, Ltd., presented to...
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T HE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming public sittings. In each...
Northern. AT the Northevn' Traffic Commis sioners' sitting at Newcastle nu September 27th, stage-carriage services will...
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T HE all-round improvement in trade, beginning to be manifest last week, is continuing. It is evident that the large quantities...
The Crown Agents for the Colonies have placed. an order with the Richard Garrett Engineering Works (branch of Beyer, Peacock...
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HAULIER and CARRIER T HE most staggering feature of the haulage industry, as it appears to the newcomer to the business, is...
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A Resurnd of Recently Published Patent Specifications ririflE name of The Bendix Brake Co. 1 appears in patent No. 378,405, in...