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Hints of a Campaign Designed to Discredit This Efficient Type of Power Unit. I NTERESTING information has reached us from a...
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W HY was the British Transport Commission so determined to take over Miers Transport, Ltd., Wolverhampton, although a...
T O eliminatedistortion in chucked work of slender form, soft plastic jaws of phenol formaldehyde have been used. This material...
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Of signs of a post-war sign-post war. That hauliers should not be made to suffer " capital punishment." That a goods-vehicle...
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THREE corporations which made heavy deficits A during their past year's operation are pressing to increase fares on their...
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T HE method of retreading worn tyres which is employed by Tyresoles, Ltd., Palace of Engineering, Wembley, Middlesex, has...
A DISPUTE at the woks of .1 - 1. David Brown Tractors, Ltd., Meltham, Huddersfield, due to the introduction of new equipment to...
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I NHyderabad ther e . is an aceie shortage of passenger vehicles and to ease the position, goods vehicles are being pressed...
Mg. TIMOTHY ARNETT has been appointed works manager of W. P. Butterfield. Ltd.. Shipley. Ma. J. G. °swerve has been appointed...
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A S from Monday next, the " Nowaiting" Order, first introduced by the Minister of Transport, in May, 1947, will be extended to...
T HE Birmingham transport department is operating experimentally a Crossley bus equipped with the Brock house-Salerni...
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O PINION now having been - freely expressed on the proposed scheme for setting up a Northern Area Road Passenger Transport...
Work May shortly start on a new bus station at Halifax. 'Sharples Centrifuges, Ltd., Stroud. has issued a booklet 'on oil...
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Dealing with Interesting Points in Sections Relating to the Road Transport, London Transport and Railway Executives T HERE is...
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SENT Y ROAD By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M .1. M ech.E. 0 VER 30 years ago C. Kunzle, bd., Five Ways, Birmingham, started...
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In-built Refrigeration A MING at reducing handling costs, Howard's Dairies, Ltd., 265, London Road, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex,...
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I AM sorry to be a nuisance by frequently writing to 1 you about the articles which appear in your publication, but I am...
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TH E liquid which collects in gas mains is very, corrosive, and the use of vacuum plants to empty the sumps has the obvious...
iTAINTAINING the giant aeroIV.I. planes of the Pan-American World Airways system in faultless condition for their flights of...
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A TRACTOR dismantling st an d, recently introduced by V. L. Churchill and Co., Ltd., Walnut Tree Walk, London, S.E.11, for use...
F EW manufacturers in these days of standardization can offer, as can Brush Coachwork, Ltd., Loughborough, a range of about 25...
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The County Small Operators I N the porch of Lincoln Cathedral is a notice stating that there are over 700 parishes in the...
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THERE is still widespread misunder standing of the scope of the Government's powers to nationalize road transport. No haulier...
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They Got a Fire Station ! By P. G. TUCKER F you want to discover vd - iat officialdom can do when it sets out to make a...
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an internal-combustion engine are so complex that the service performance of any given fuel or lubricant cannot, be predicted...
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I N the September 2 issue of " The Commercial Motor" we discussed the maintenance necessary to keep paintwork in good order...
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I N an article entitled "A Contract but no Work," which appeared in "The Commercial Motor ".dated July 29, I dealt, to some...
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P ATENT No. 624,843, which comes from R. Blakeway, Ormond, Victoria, Australia, shows an injector for oil engines, which, being...