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T HE grave accident at Lambourn where last week the driver of an eight-wheeled, jet-fuel road tanker lost control and the...
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T HE difficult position of the taxicab trade, particularly in the Metropolitan area, is emphasized in the report of the...
Ingenious Sideline A s may be expected, the natural ingenuity of Swiss engineers does not reveal itself only in the major...
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"Spring has come! The ' relief ' is out again as well as the leaf." That in Glasgow the further outlook for number plates may...
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CLAIMED to be the first in Britain, a road vehicle has been fitted with compressed-gas equipment expressly designed for vehicle...
little concession in the Budget. Purchase tax on goods-vehicle chassis has been reduced from 33+ per cent. to 25 per cent....
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pi DISC type of transmission brake is, by special permission, bein g tried out on a bus operated by the Birmin g ham and...
TWOimportant deals were announced on Tuesday by the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd. An a g reement has been concluded for...
D ECISTON was reserved by the Transport Arbitration Tribunal on Monday in the case of Road Haula g e Executive versus T. M....
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A N accusation that the British Trans port Commission had been guilty of breach of contract was made by Mr. T. H. Campbell...
MR. J. R. ENGLISH has been appointed assistant production manager of the Dunlop factory in Kobe, Japan. MR. R. E. CHISNALL has...
n ISPENSATIONS have been added to the road service licences of nearly 200 excursion and tour operators by the West Midland...
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L-XPORTS ' of British oiI-engined vehicles to South Africa are being hampered by a lack of fuelling facilities outside large...
the I\. north -west were far higher than they needed to be, because of Lancashire's out-of-date road ,system, said Mr. C. T....
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D ECLARING that " every endeavour should be Made to keep The Single fare down and therebykeep down the weekly, monthly...
N o . steps are to • be taken by Hartlepool Corporation to run a bus service to West Hartlepool until in . inquiry has been...
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I F thefuel tax continued at its present 'level, it was possible that island and rural bus services in Scotland would "...
of floatin g " traffic suitable for either road or ra i l co n veyance which could he gained "by • the form of transport better...
A SYSTEM of automatic lubrication for the chassis parts of trailers has been introduced by Clayton Dcwandre Co., Ltd., Titanic...
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A S the result of the operation of the objection scheme in the Metropolitan and South-Eastern Area of the Road Haulage...
TWELVE conclusions have been L reached by an independent committee appointed by the Government to consider the effects of...
THE South Eastern Licensing AuthorI ity has announced that he is willing to grant dispensations to C licensees to enable them...
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says Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. Cheshire Spends £106,000 a year on the transport of 15,000 Children to and from School :...
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D EL1VERY is now well advanced of the first of 192 vehicles with bodywork by Saunders-Roe (Anglesey), Ltd., ordered by Auckland...
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I WAS interested in the letter from Eric Cant in your issue tlated March 27. I cannot, however, understand his complaints...
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1 - 1 A NEW four-cylindered overhead valve petrol engine which develops 70 b.h.p. at 2,800 r.p.m., has been introduced by the...
THE first of a number of new fire appliances for Scandinavia has been completed by Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Greenwich High...
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A N all-hydraulic one-man-operated bus for 48 seated and 32 standing passengers is to be exhibited at the Amsterdam Commercial...
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Political Commentar■ By JANUS I T would not have been surprising had the Government incorporated in the Transport Bill a...
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Serve the Housewife By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. How the Birmingham Co-operative Society Meet the Needs of 312,000...
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National road safety week this year will be from October 17-26. Hants and Sussex Motor Services, Ltd., and associated...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier Further, Inquiry Into How a, Flat Rate to be Quoted in a Hiring ,Contract Must be Adjusted...
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TAIL-GATE loading devices are I becoming more widely used, mainly because they enable one man to load a vehicle•with heavy...