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T HERE CAN BE little question , as to the desirability of consolidating in one Act all the laws relating to road vehicles...
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p ROBABLY MOST of the new designs of lorries for the October Show, are now well under weigh, but it may not yet be too late to...
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That there is drip feed most of the time. That few motor engines run 'both hot and strong. That mass production is not...
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• The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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By "The Inspector." W HETHER OR NOT -there be a slump in the motor-vehicle industry as . a: whole at the present time, it must...
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In an Interview Brigadier-General F. G. Guggisberg, Governor of the Colony, Indicates the Requirements in Connection with an...
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T HE RTTLES and regulations in connection with the trials of agricultural tractors and ploughs, which will be carried out by...
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Wide Powers to Minister of Transport—Speed Limit to be Abolished—Severe Penalties for Offences—All Drivers to be Licensed—New...
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Higher Costs and Charges Call for Greater Efficiency in Use, which can be Secured by Improved Methods of Loading and...
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing. W HEN STARTING a motor...
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How the Biggest Taxicab Company in London Solve the Problem. T 0 THOSE WHO, like ourselves, have watched with interest the ups...
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An Occasional Chat on Subjects and Problems of Interest to Those Who are Engaged, or About to be Engaged, in Running Commercial...
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I T IS probably true in the running of petrol engines -that' there is a. greater loss through waste of labrieating oil than...
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Matters of Topical Interest to Proprietors of Motor Coaches,. The First Pneumatic-tyred Motor Coach in Wales. REST has...
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The St. Omer Deal—Mr. Spurrier Asks for an Inquiry. The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, [1745) Sir,—Up to now I have refrained...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "). W HAT ARE THE points that make for easy starting on a Ford? It is -...
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A Successful Demonstration of a Two-ton Chassis. T HE NUMBER of American chassis ' on the British market is considerable, and...
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TEN SHILLINGS is paid to the sender of any letter which we publish on this page, and an EXTRA FIVE SHILLINGS to the sender of...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. . A new gearbox particularly adaptable as a four-speed unit has been: ,patented by S....