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L BERTY of any kind is never more than relative and the freedom afforded by an A licence is no exception. But tffe degree to...
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A NOTE of anxiety that prospects far British Railways may not, after all, be "set fair" was detected in a paper delivered...
Jets Shatter Bus Windscreen MANY theories have been advanced as to the reasons I" why toughened-glass windscreens sometimes...
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That with the majority of men, if they had no worries they would become fat and lethargic. That some of our manufacturers are...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT HAULIERS believe that the unions are preparing to lodge a new claim " for a substantial increase in...
U NLESS the Llandudno and Colwyn Bay Electric Railway, Ltd., can be relieved of the cost of £50,000 for the removal of the tram...
A FTER a six-hour meetin g in Hull Guildhall, last week, it was annouheed that Hull's one-man-bus dispute had been resolved by...
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-A SUGGESTION for an improved design for a British Railways road vehicle is being prepared and is at the mock-up stage," Mr....
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MR. S. R. MILLER has been appointed a director of C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd. MR. L. T. QUINN, traffic assistant of Oldham...
TNLESS many one-man buses are 1/4 1 reintroduced, the Lincolnshire Road Car Co., Ltd., will have to withdraw some services...
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D ELEGATES from London bus garages are being advised today to approve ihe setting up•of a board of conciliation to assist in...
PA A SUGGESTION that W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., should be prohibited from using 8-ft.-wide buses on their Killin-Perth...
V EHICLES for which the free-piston engine will first be employed are heavy earth-moving machines, crawler tractors and similar...
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£8 2s. costs, were imposed on the Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., at Jarrow on Tuesday for using a tanker not equipped with an...
XPERIMENTAL "housewives fares" I— , are to be introduced by the Gosport and Farcham Omnibus Co. in an effort to win back lost...
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A N application by Wallace Arnold r. -1 (Tours). Ltd., for a through-express service between. Bradford and Southend. was...
E VIDENCE that it had proved impracticable for British Road Services to deal with urgent air freight, was given during an...
W ITH a capacity of 20 cu. yd., a new prototype dumper built by AvelingBarford, Ltd., Grantham, and now undergoing trials, is...
A SERIES of licence variations granted since 1947 to W. Caudle and Co., Ltd., Sheffield, had increased their fleet tonnage by...
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I N a New Year messa g e to members of the Road Haula g e Association. Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of Transport, pled g ed...
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rtco in Village A DEPOT at 108 Mansell Street, London, E.1, occupied by Burrows fransport, Ltd., before nationalization, las...
' - ‘,„.HOULD a comparatively new excur sion operator, based in a growing uburb of a large city, be allowed to spend at the...
A PROPOSAL by the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., to run an express service between Sileby (Lets) and Llandudnci was "a sprat...
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A TRAILER carrying three different shipments for Dutch concerns was sent to Holland, last week, by Continental Ferry Trailers,...
ILLEGAL carriage of passengers was going on all over Northern Ireland, but evidence was hard to obtain, it was stated at...
Bus Station Plan: Rotherham Borougl Council are planning a new bus station 01 the site of the town's old gasworks. One - man...
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TWO 0 tricycle-type goods vehicles are produced by Moto Gilera s.p.a., the Italian motorcycle manufacturers. Both have single...
A LTIIOUGH the nationalization of PA bus services in Ceylon on January I was the subject of national rejoicing, the State...
S TATED by the chairman of the North Western Traffic Commissioners to have "very strong claims," Manchester Corporation were...
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Hydraulic Aid to Loading nESIGNED to speed up the handling of all hoppercarr ied materials, the JCR Loadall produced by J. C....
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With 8-ton Payloads Yorkshire Haulier Instals 'Gardner Engine and D.B. Gearbox in Bedford Chassis With Successful Results By...
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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk A PRAYING MANTIS—that charming locust-like insect whose female species, after mating, devours the...
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A TRANSLUCENT plastics panel is 1 1. incorporated in the roof assembly of a 74-seat metal-framed double-deck bus body built by...
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By Alan Smith, F.R.S.A. T HE area of London east of Bloomsbury to dockland is the home of numerous light industries ranging...
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Activities of Three Private Companies Serving the Burton-on-Trent Area to the East and North By C. S. Dunbar, M.Inst.T. S...
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Situated on a main City street, the Oxford Road office has doublefronted windows with attractive publicity material on display,...
F OR delivering hotel-prepared meals to passengers in airliners at Karachi Airport, a special type of refrigerated van based on...
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the advantages of using emotional rather than rational arguments in any attempt to sway public opinion for or-against...
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Strangulation by Normal User H OLDERS of A licences are now in no doubt that determined opposition will be forthcoming from...
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L UTILE. use seemed to have been made by vehicle builders of the ability of anodized aluminium to be permanently. dyed,...
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J UDGING from - Many inquiries received from readers, depreciation is an item of operating cost little understood by many...
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gear in which ratios between the speeds are provided by a hydraulic gear of the swashplate type. (J. Weaving, D. Stuart and The...