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S OCIALISTS have not in recent years been regarded as friends of road transport operators. It has, however, been left to a...
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NOTHER breach in national insularity was ftforced last week, when the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., and Europabus began...
Fine Record Analysed WELL-PRODUCED and with a plastic "hinge," " the annual report of Spurling Motor Bodies, Ltd., is a worthy...
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That a lay-by is no place for a bye-bye. That the draft regulations on rear lights are largely a tail piece. That a...
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A PROTOTYPE single-deck 44-seat r bus of entirely new design is being road-tested by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus...
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WEST HARTLEPOOL is to refer to VV the High Court its dispute with Hartlepool Corporation over the latter's plan to run its own...
A LTHOUGH the trading revenue of Maidstone and District • Motor Services, Ltd., and their subsidiaries, Chatham and District...
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MR. J. L. HARDY, who was stated in The Commercial Motor on June 12 to have retired on medical advice from the chairmanship of...
'THE machine shop of the Fallings I Park factory of Guy Motors, Ltd., has been expanded to cover 60,000 sq. ft. and the...
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MHILST protection by differential VV fares should be avoided whenever possible, it is sometimes justified to secure fair...
A N appeal by the Railway Executive and Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., against the granting of licences to Nicholls...
A N extra Elm. is to be spent this year on the improvement and maintenance of the roads. Lord Leathers made this announcement...
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Again: Some Reductions Mooted B RISTOL passengers will face the prospect of yet another rise in fares if the new wage claim by...
A commission is to investigate bus operation in Ceylon. The House of fords last week passed the Road Transport Lighting...
T HE first of a fleet of new tankers for delivering electrical insulating oils has been placed in service by ShellMex and B.P.,...
11Q EMINDERS have been issued to IN local authorities by the Association of Municipal Corporations that the new Transport Act...
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T 'THERE would have to be a substantial reduction in cost before they placed new large orders for vehicles, said Mr. R. Barr,...
OR the first time in their history, I Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., reached a total revenue of £2m. last year, said the...
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A NOTHER unsuccessful attempt was made in the House of Commons, last week, by Mr. G. A. Pargiter. to secure a tax rebate of 6d,...
F ULL living accommodation is provided in a mobile shop built for Fierin-Braud, a master furrier of Charleville, by...
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with 12 Tons Gross HE latest version of the Dennis Centaur 7-71-tonner has a larger engine and five-speed gearbox, which in...
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NAANY of Auck1and7s tram routes are ivi to be converted to trolleybus operation, and as an interim measure 94 new oil-engined...
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A S forecast in the June 26 issue of The Commercial Motor, a new coach link between England and the Continent was formed last...
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in 5-ton Meat Van A PLAST1C-BODIED van weighing 7 cwt. less than the standard insulated meat van, and costing in the...
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W ELL-PLANNED organization marks every aspect of the operations of the ancillary fleet of British Drug Houses, Ltd., which is...
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A N ingenious loading device has been designed by Mr. P. A. S. Charles, traffic manager of E. W. Bliss (England), Ltd., City...
QPECIALLY developed for the 1- 1 application of the Dunlop protective coating, Rubbaseal, the new Bullows L.800 spray gun can...
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W NY delegates from other countries who attended the 1953 Congress of the International Union of Public Transport in Madrid...
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\f VOUR leading article of June 19 on "Atomic Power. OUR " has provided many, including myself, with food for thought. First,...
THERE has been much speculation of late concerning I the possible future of the vehicle-building works of the Bristol Tramways...
wE ought not to think too badly of the Minister of " Transport because he has turned down the plea to raise the speed of heavy...
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I WOULD like to comment on the letter of P. W. Holmes, published in The Commercial Motor dated June 26_ Following the recent...
IT is with some alarm that I notice a certain develop' ment in the design of certain light commercial vehicles in this...
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O NLY in transport, I imagine, are there so many complaints that people are violating monopolies and other privileges...
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To Recover Traffic from C-Licensees and to Hold Their Own with the Residue of State-owned Road Trans . port, Hauliers Will have...
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I N this article I am goini to deal with the problem of assessing charges for the beginner who has decided to enter haulage by...
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T HE engine designer is always up against the problem of providing large valves within a limited area and a possible solution...
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Metal wear is no new problem to engineers or research workers, but the work at Thornton has been transformed almost overnight...