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R OAD transport, in our view, somewhat resembles a sleeping, . or at least sleepy, giant, who does not realize his own...
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QOME of the railway chairthen, in particular 0 Sir Edward Cadogan, in their speeches at the annual general meetings of their...
Road . Conditions Big THE American Association of .Factor in Vehicle I State Highway Officials held Maintenance . . a meeting...
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That the return of signposts is a signpost in itself: The hope that they are not being erected her the convenience of only...
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LUNCHEON-CONFERENCE SEATS STRICTLY LIMITED THERE was an almost instant J.' response to the announcement of a definite date...
THE Directorate of Vehicle Maintenance and Alternative Fuels points out that some operators of gas producers have reported am...
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Good Reasons Why the President Should he . an "Independent," but Can the By Federation Control the Policy of Its Autonomous...
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letters in - connection with haulage groups contamed in your recent issues •interested me. In view of this correspondence it...
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A S a driver of a heavy vehicle I would like to thank • Mr. E. B. Howes for his article, "A Basis for Organized Repression? "...
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ARE COMPLEMENTARY • T HERE was a time, especially between 1933 and 1999, when co-ordination of road and rail was an...
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A High Road Performance and Comfortable Riding Characterize the Running of a Goods Vehicle Chassis Suitably Modified for...
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A Studied Reply by the Eight Signatories to the Many Criticisms and Suggestions Which Have Been Published Concerning Their...
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A Government Department, in Fixing Prices for Bricks, Makes Appropriate Allowances for Charges for Their Transport by Road, but...
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E VERY time an arc-welding operative has to change an electrode, he must push his protective helmet to the back of his head,...
MUIVIEROUS inquiries have been `4 made concerning the position as to oil additives, and we have been asked by The Wayne V....
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T high power output per cylinder of a double-acting . engine has always had an attraction for inventors, but, in view of the...