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HE British motor engineer is at the moment being twitted about his lack of faith in new ideas, his hesitancy to depart from the...
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Of Fords on cushions, but not sofas. "Even a worm will turn "—an axle. Of petrol in excess if not in exceisis. That the...
" HI! " shouted the driver to the old inan With the cows. "Can you tell me where . this road leads?" "Ay, that I can; that I...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all dijiclilies of transport at whatever points arising, at a carriage is by the...
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A Precis of a Paper Dealing with the Transport Requirements of hie Army, Read before the Institution of Automobile Engineers,...
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Particulars of the New McCurd Chassis, the Main Features of which are a High Degree of Accessibility, Efficient Methods of...
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The Time Factor in the Haulage Business—Estimating Charges Per Hour. U NDOUBTEDLY, the taximeter would be a great boon to many...
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T HAT considerable time eau be saved in the tipping of a load from a lorry and the recovery of the position of the container is...
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The Cry of the Bus Proprietor Whose Reward is Small and Who Suffers from Police-inflicted Pin-pricks. By LOUIS L. STUART,...
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A CLOSE study of the commercial-vehicle models for the coming year reveals a number of most interesting points in connection...
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A New Production which is Claimed to be Capable of Operation on Bad Ground and Slippery Surfaces and to be Useful for Municipal...
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T HIS heading may suggest a new kind of Brooklands or aloutthery, where we should be treated to handicap races for 10-ton...
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A Representative Collection of Vehicles and Appliances Which Took Part in the Event Organized by the C.M.U.A. and Gave...
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Equipp ng a One-tonner to Convey and Haul 55 cwt. on Rough Land and to be Convertible to Wheel Drive for Use on the Highway....
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A PART'from the section for gas-driven machines, the French tractor trials terminated on November 4th. The gas-driven tractors...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. LOCALIZED CONTROL FOR BUS SERVICES. The Policy of a Prominent...
The Proposals of the Corporation. and How They are Viewed by Local Bus Proprietors. T "growth in motorbus traffic which has...
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A municipal Service which Shows a Substantial . Frofit for the First Year's Working. MHE Merthyr Tydfil borough Areal_ surer...
How an American Hotel Proprietor Attracts and Retains Patronage by Using Motor Vehicles. 1 - V7ItING many years of experience...
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A Representative Example of a Barnsley Coachbuilder's Products. W EIATEVER the merits of the open type of passenger-carrying...
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The Pditor invites COrrestondence , an all subjects counseled with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be as one side...
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Practical Experiences of Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. D URING a busy season with a motor coach " R.C.G.," of Northampton,...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. F . W. LANCHESTER describes a new arrangement: of piston valves...